25 December 2012


Jean-Luc is my spoiled feline. The other day when I was helping HP move, I left my baby alone for the night.

When I got home, he was so happy to see me and he did the happy dance for me. Poor baby missed me.

He's very attached to me. He's been near me all this time, more so than usual. When I nap, he does also. 

When I sit on the futon, he jumps up in my lap and starts purring, and then he curls next to me for another nap.

When I sit in the recliner, he jumps up again and then he climbs up and lays on the top of the chair. He sees his world from there.

When I'm at the computer, he jumps in my lap. He hates it when I'm at the computer or when I'm on the phone, that's time for him and nobody else.

We have a great time with each other. He's been a lucky puss. I just know we're happy together.

Happy Holidays.

Chiffie out.

16 December 2012


I've been very adventurous and have walked with out my cane. So far so good.

HP is trying to walk  without any help. The guy is anxious to get on with life. He uses the boot and uses a cane of his own.

The bell is rung sending all students to recess and we can start groups. I have my eye on a topaz ring.

Chiffie out.


Sorry I don't write everyday. Everything is redundant from one day to another.

Canas is Spanish for white hair. This was the reason I shaved off my beard, which had more white in it. Plus it makes me look younger.

So we all grow grey hair here and there. What threw me for a loop is that I found some canas in my eyebrows.

I do like the salt and pepper look and my barber left some sideburns with some canas. Looks very appealing. I must be Jewish because I have that look in my temples!

Chiflado out

04 December 2012

Clinic Rounds

I had a busy day today. I went to the clinic and I went from one person to the other.

First in line, was the nutritionist who is concerned I'm not eating much, hence the weight loss. She also gave me some Glucerna and some vitamins.

Next was with my doctor. My t-cell count went up from 104 to 114. It's a small  step on the Yellow Brick Road.

After lunch I went back for the last visit du jour. I met up with Dr K who was my therapist. Big news is she's leaving the clinic for private practice. She's working until the end of the month. We talked about me and my concerns. It was a bitter sweet moment for us. Now I have to break in a new therapist in January.

Chiffie out.

02 December 2012


Okay, so I'm loosing weight. Nothing new there. Since I've started going to the clinic, I have lost 91 lbs. Jeanne is concerned because I lost 40 since the last time I saw her.

The other thing is I'm not as tall as I used to be. I used to say I'm 6'2. Well, now it seems I'm 6'1 or 6'0. I'm shrinking. Oh well, what's a girl to do? Wonder how much more I'll loose.

Chiffie out.

29 November 2012

Paul Rudd

Just a photo of Paul I like. He looks hot in this photo. No reason, guess I wanted to  liven up my blog.

24 November 2012

New Med

Today I started my new med. It's four meds in one tablet. I will have less pills to take. Wahoo! I am taking 4 pills away from my usual. Yes I am glad.

I did have to override this pill. I had a bottle before, but Lupe hid it. I just have to move everything to see if it's there.

Chiffie out.

22 November 2012


So this is another holiday to avoid. I had my morning pot of cawfee. Then I took my fat ass to a movie. Don't even remember the last time I ventured out.

I saw the final installment of the The Twilight saga. Of course I read the books and they were phenomenal. I was not let down but I still felt the books were better.

Then I came home to my holiday meal. I bought a steak that marinated all night long. It was too good and actually ate the whole thing. I had wanted to save some for Friday.

That's it. Come and gone. Just another Thursday. I will repeat the same all over again. This is my usual holiday meal.

Chiffie out.

20 November 2012


This is very strange. I was gonna write about my weight loss and other stuff. Problem is that this was written earlier. Wonder if Lupe's up to his old tricks.

I just went yesterday to the clinic. Everything in the previous blog and everything was accurate. Jeanne is very concerned about me. I'm just excited. 40 lbs is very true, but I want more...and I'm gonna do it.

Why don't I work out at the Y? Because I fall a lot and I might hurt myself. I'll see about some other places to work out.

I guess I'm done with this blog and try to get hold of Lupe.

Chiffie out

11 November 2012

Chiflado Update

So here I am. D&B say I don't need the gastric surgery. I do like what I see in the mirror. So I cancelled the surgery.

So I have lost some weight. Jeanne our nutritionist,is concerned because I lost 40 lbs since our last appointment. I'm okay with it, I want some more weight down the drain.

Chiflado has been in bed not wanting to be seen.
The weight is okay with it. Problem is, my clothes fit real loose. It's embarrassing because my clothes do not fit. There I'll be and when I least expect it, my shorts or jeans creep down, showing a side of Chiflado normaly see by lucky gentlemen callers . That's a treat if ever there was nothing.

I have found some jeans at Wal-Mart of all places that fit me. Same for my tighty whitise current undies do not fit either and tend to roll down. Just now I took some trash out and they rolled down. I looked and no one saw this one.

I finally found some at Wal-Mart that fit but they usually come in different colours. I want all black undies and they're usually in a package, but all I get stuck with are all the multi-coloured chones.

So, I'm okay with the colours, like I have a choice. Also found some at Target, and black, but I have no say in this. So Chiflado is content for the time being.

Chiffie out.

01 November 2012

Dr's Visit

Yesterday I went to the doctor's to get my test results. I have 104 t-cell count, but I'm still undetectable, that's the news.

I don't know why my CD-4 keeps slowly disappearing. I'm doing the same things as before, I haven't change anything.

This on top of my depression. What next? I'm sick and tired it just drops away.

I've been battling depression as it is. I felt it coming and here it is. I'm dealing with one bad set of news and here comes another. And you wonder why I am like this. I'm sick and tired of everything, t-cells and all my meds. I just want to take all my meds and call it a night.

But I continue, I'm the cockroach that keeps coming. I just want it to end. I tell my nurse and she asked if I had a plan, so many people do and I'm one of them.

Sometimes I think okay and then I get some news that bring me down and I can swallow all the pills I have and abort me out of my life.

Don't worry.

Chiffie out.

25 October 2012

Hush Puppy

So there I was, watching TV the other night. And Hush Puppy is one of the gay couple in the new show Partners, Our Hush Puppy is okay.

Recently our HP has been hospitalized with several different malaise's. This last time he was hospitalized for his foot. The doctor wound up amputating HP's little toe.

He took it in stride. Poor guy is on crutches for a few months. They have started skin grafting and HP and the doctor said it was okay.

Thanks for the prayers for him.

Chiffie out.

14 October 2012


I felt it last week. And it arrived yesterday. I don't know if anybody feels it like I do.

Depression. Didn't catch me off guard. I saw it coming. And here it is. I've been spending my day in bed. I just lie there and stare at the ceiling or wall, depends on how I'm lying down at the time.

Maybe that's why I'm not eating. Yesterday I only ate once. Today I had toast and cawfee and that's it. So far ditto for today. I do think I will eat something in a while to take my meds.

Hopefully ya'll are in a good place today.

Chiffie out.

Physical Therapy

I'm doing physical therapy for my knee. So far so good. I normally wear an ace bandage on my knee. Since I've started PT, I don't have to wear that bandage. I have to have PT for my shoulder and I'm starting that this week.

Ya'll know how I love noses. There's this doctor that has a sexy nose and other things as well. I did notice that he had a pair of shoes that use velcro rather than shoe strings. I was hoping he got them here, turns out he got them in Vegas.

I have thought about checking SAS shoes to see what they have. I can't deal with shoe strings anymore. When I tie the shoe strings, I don't have the strength to tie a good knot.

Chif out.

07 October 2012


HP and I think the shoulder pain is from my fall. It's really amazing how I survived. I really could have broken something or drop dead, but I made it okay.

I guess my guardian angel really did a good job of protecting me.

Before I forget, I have something weird with my torso. There's like a fungus or something that has me concerned. My arms from hand to shoulder, and stomach have this thing.

Dr M gave me some lotion that works on skin and I've a lot of skin to worry about. I did get a referral to see a dermatologist so I have to call and make an appointment. First on my to do list tomorrow.

Chiff out.

06 October 2012

Right Arm

The latest thing is a pain in my right shoulder. The pain starts at the front and quickly goes through my arm.

Dr M gave me some meds for the pain. It's not working. I tried all the meds and nothing worked.  I want a pill that works. It's just a band aid for a bigger problem.

Chiffie out.

Mental Health Day

I went to see my new psychiatrist  and went to my therapist the other day.

I'm okay with both of them. I have a new psychiatrist because the other was Dr J. He is absolutely gorgeous, always has a smile for everyone.

It's interesting how a therapist remember me. We picked up right where I was last. Dr K is good people and has helped me through a lot.

Chiffie out.

27 September 2012

HP Update

HP, he's my BFFF. That's straight out of Pineapple Express.

He's still on crutches and it's murder going up the one floor. We're delicate creatures and we expect nothing but the best.

Now his doctor's saying if he doesn't get better, they might have to amputate the foot. Of course I want that he gets better and keeps the foot.

Please keep HP in your prayers and think positive thoughts.

Chiffie out.

26 September 2012


Enough about HP, now about moi.

Ever since my tumble down the stairs keeps haunting me. I still cannot believe I fell down the stairs with my walker.

They said I was drenched in blood. And of course I don't remember any of it.

The latest thing might be linked to my tumble. I have a pain in my shoulder area that is driving me crazy.

The pain is centered around my shoulder. When I want to do something, every little move, cramps up my body. It's nasty and then it bolts like a lighting bolt heading down my arm and to the hand. Ouch.

It's very difficult to do anything. Picking up a pen or eating, there' s that pain. Dr M gave me some injection and it worked for about four hours.

I demand to see a specialist. Dr M moves very slowly but eventually works out for me. I do have an appointment with him Friday and I'm gonna embellish the pain.

Chiffie out.

22 September 2012

More HP

HP got out of the hospital. He's on crutches and he does not like them.

He spent a few days at home and actually went to work last week. Had it been me I'd be screaming bloody murder.

Embarrassing moment for moi, okay so I've lost weight and my drawers rolldown on me while the shorts are hiked up. Well, that day I went to get HP's car. So I've walking around and what happens? My shorts fell down in the garage. I hoped nobody saw me, but it was embarrassing and funny at the same time.

He's doing great. He's actually driving around. When we go shopping we both get shopping carts. Well he got in one of those little cars and I got a cart to see what he needed.

Gotta love that HP.

Chiffie out.

12 September 2012

HP Update

Poor Hush Puppy is at the Methodist Metropolitan. He was in low blood pressure Sunday when he was at church.

He was okay but he wound up in the hospital anyway. He is diabetic so he has to watch his vitals.

And then the doctor told him that he had to have a toe amputated. Ouch. I was there when they wheeled him back to his room. He was okay and I got to meet his Mom.

He was in good spirits and I visited for a few hours. I just talked to him and he sounded good and was eating. I'm gonna try to visit later today. I have a few fires I have to put out before I go.

So I ask, please pray for him and think good thoughts for him. I know I am. I have a social worker coming to visit later today. Wonder what that's all about.

Chiffie out.

09 September 2012

Hush Puppy

Our little HP is in the emergency even as I write this. Poor thing had pancreatitus one week, he was okay. And then he had an infection on his foot. And now he's in emergencey.

 He was feeling dizzy at church and they called for an ambulance. The hospital is about five blocks from the church, so why didn't someone drive him.

So, keep him in your thoughts and say a rosary for him. Light a candle, pray for HP. Hopefully this will be a quick hospital visit.

Chiffie out.

04 September 2012


Okay, I keep gaining and loosing weight. Right now I'm loosing. Chiffie is happy with that. I'm still eating the same stuff but smaller portions.

I've also been salading for about three months or so. I tend to forget about dinner. I'm not hungry so I'll skip dinner. Perfect.


02 September 2012

Dr's Visit

I went to the Dr's to get lab results. Again my t-cell count went down again. I have 127 t-cells and I'm still undetectable.

Don't know what's going on. I'm on the same regiment for quite some time now and I don't know why it's going down. There is a lab for what I'm on and to see if I should start another medication. I hope I can get it soon.

We also talked about results from some tests for the gastric bypass surgery. I'm kinda having doubts about it. Maybe if I had liposuction and a tummy lift, I'd be content. 

I also brought up my itching all over. It's been like three months now that I've had the itching and now I want relief. He said to rub lotion on them. I did and it feels like a great relief. I still would like a referral to see a dermatologist. Cross your fingers.

Chiffie out.


This weather is great for laying out and working on my tan. In MI, I used to lay out on the deck with some ice cold water.

Here there is no place for me. In MI I also used the tanning parlor down the road from home.

To tan line or not, that is the question. I had a tan line and I've not had a tan line. The question for ya'll is who's the slut. Tan line or not.


28 August 2012


Just when I thought August is waste, something had to happen.

I had knee replacement surgery on a Wednesday, D's husband picked me up and of course I don't remember.

Spent sometime at home just me and Jean Luc. And I don't remember this either.

And then it happened. Lupe showed up and pushed me and my walker down the stairs. I swear I don't remember this either.

I woke up at the downtown Baptist and under suicide watch. I had a chaperon throughout my stay. 

I apparently was covered in blood and broke my walker. Apparently I was drenched in blood. So much for a blah August.


09 August 2012


Hello Everybody. I hope yall are well today. I wish I can say that. I have fallen down again. It was like just another day. Then I hit the floor. What can I do now.

I fell down in the bathroom again. But at least I can say that it wasn't major. Today I felt invigorated.

So there I was getting my meds.  And I can try other meds if they are HIV.

I have more to write, about the AIDS and he caught the attenchion of me. So look around see if there any options.


07 August 2012


Just a quick note. I am having some kind of surgery on my left knee. He's gonna give me a metal rod. HP says it sounds like major surgery.

I did go to the clinic today for lab results. My t-cell count dropped again, and still undetectable. So that's the bright side?

Hopefully I'll be able to give an update. And I hope you say some prayers my way.

Out for Now, Chiff

Birthday Babe

The babe turns 52. Man he looks great for that age. I just wonder who took the picture. I want to know who was lucky to take this and see if there are other photos of this scrumptions. I drink his bath water. See if any of you know who said this and what movie it's from.

Chiffie out

02 August 2012

Jason Momoa

Don't know how I missed hottie Jason. Yesterday, was his 33rd Birthday. Honey, I be all over him.

25 July 2012

Bad Week

All I can say is I survived.

I went to the dentist one day and I found out they can not service me until my t-cell count goes up.

I was supposed that I took the wrong bus. Two weeks ago went to. By the time I found that I was on the wrong bus, I re-scheduled for last week. I took the bus back home and here I am waiting to go tonight. Third lucks the charm.

And then I had a hellish week dealing with depression. And I did nothing just watching DVDs from the library.

Why do people get depressed, I don't know.  I nap in the afternoon. I was under the covers crying. And  it did my body good.

Sorry I haven't written lately. I love everybody in my life.

Chiffie out

20 July 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday to Hush Puppies. Of course we do not ask anyone for which birthday it is. On the other hand, these shoes are calling for me.


17 July 2012


I haven't heard from Lupe lately. But he recently made an appearance.

He played with the computer and left it on. He made a mess on the carpet with some upside down cake.

I have missed him and it's great to hear from him. Let's see when he makes another appearance.

Chiffie Out

16 July 2012


I have been having these dizzy spells lately. I almost fell of the bus the other day. And the other day I was in the elevator when one hit. I almost fell over this woman.

But I'm having an MRI to see if there's anything out of the ordinary. Will keep yall informed.


11 July 2012


What has he been up to now. I have a sleep study I went to last night. Turns out my sleep study was not last night, but next Tuesday. At least I know where I have to go next.

HP is out of the hospital. He was ready to come home earlier. But the boy was ready today.

Jean Luc is doing great. He's been spending time away from me for some reason. He's not eating like he usually does. And I make sure he has fresh water everyday.

I've been watching DVDs. Just saw Fido which is about zombies. And it is hysterical. I would recommend this for anybody.

That's it for now.


07 July 2012

Hush Puppy

Poor HP. He's in the hospital again. And I was there yesterday and sounded sickly. I just talked with him and he's ready to go home.

Please send happy thoughts.

Chiflado out.

Dizzy Again

I don't know why, but maybe I'm allergic to VIA. Wonder if there's a pill for that. Today I lost my footing and I almost hit the floor. But somehow I managed to catch myself.

I went to see a dietitian for my bypass. We were surprised to see that I lost 14 lbs. Must be all that salading I'm eating. I also throw in some chicken fajitas and voila, lunch.


03 July 2012

Dizzy Spell

It was so embarassing. I was on the bus yesterday when I got dizzy on the bus. I did make it, but my legs buckled for some reason. It took me a while before I was able to walk.


28 June 2012

Physical Therapy

Started my physical therapy the other day. They hooked up to some machine that made my knee feel better.

Then it's time for excersise in the pool. Nice to be in a pool again. The therapy worked in that I was not feeling pain in my knee.

After this, I will be going back to the orthopedic doctor and see what's what. He did mention knee replacement. I'm ready for anything life throws my way.

Chiff out.

22 June 2012


For the past two weeks or so, I have been crying. I don't know what  I did to deserve this. Today, I stayed in bed all day long with a box of tissues. I wasn't sleeping, just staring up at the ceiling. My cell did not ring all day, and that's a godsend.

In between these sessions, I have managed to do laundry. I also clean up the commode. Oy vey.

I don't know what tomorrow's gonna throw at me. Oh yeah, I haven't been eating less food and drinking water. I feel as if I've lost some pounds, but I won't find out until I go to the clinic. Moi, would not allow a scale in the house.

Think of me.


19 June 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 40th birthday to Jean Dujardin. What a babe! He won the Oscar for best actor. I would also vote for his hot schnozz, and he is just so good looking. I am satisfied with him. He won the Cannes prize for Best Actor, the SAG Award, the Golden Globe, the BAFTA and the Oscar for one film. He also has a nose to rock my world.

Chiffie out.

14 June 2012

Left Knee Part Deux

So I've been having trouble walking and my knee hurts like there's no tomorrow. I've been using an ace bandage.

Dr M said it is advanced arthritis, so he referred me to an orthodontist surgeon and he confirmed it.

So, I'm gonna be in physical therapy for a month and then we'll see about knee replacement. I know I just hurt and want the surgery all ready.

That's the latest on poor Chiflado. Hope he gets well soon.

Chiffie out.

07 June 2012

Dr's Visit

I went to get my results today. My CD-4 t-cells dropped again. I'm 146 from whatever was last time. I am still undetectable.

Also got results from my x-rays. He said my knee is in advance arthritis. I do have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to see where we go from here.

My lungs and heart are okay. Nothing going on there. I just take all this information and file it. Again, I'm the healthiest sick person I know.

Chif out.

Left knee

I've had two surgeries on my left knee and looks like I am need of another one.

My knee has been swollen for the last week and my doctor ordered an x-ray. I have an appointment with him today and hopefully he'll give me a script for the pain.

Chif out.

04 June 2012


I am adopted. How's that for a blog?

My parents did not want to hurt my feelings. They told David, one of my exes. And they told D. When I was in Michigan, she said my parents had told them the whole thing.

I was adopted as a newborn. My birth mother lives or lived in Houston. If I'd known, I would have looked her up when I lived in Houston.

Except for my sister and her daughters, I felt like I was an outsider. That explains a lot. That explains why my brother hated me. Once I asked my other sister for a recipe. She said it was only for family not for me.

I'm still marinating the news. I'm at a loss for words, me of all people. I've been wanting to change my name since elementary school, now I have a reason. I'm gonna get the ball rolling and get my ducks in order.

I still have my fabulous nieces as family. We've been through a lot. They are both family and friends. I love them very much. I just wish I'd learn this earlier.

Still cannot believe they told David. I guess since he was my main squeeze at the moment he would tell me. He did tell me but I just blew it off. He did not like how my family treated me. He got to go to one of the family events and we were by ourselves along with Veda our Afghan Hound. Again the outsider.

Well, that's that. I have a lot of issues to deal with and I will bring it up with my therapist. Hopefully I'll get some questions answered.

Chiffie out.

Birthday Boy

Happy 27th Birthday to  Evan Lysacek. Baby baby, this boy be fine. Great bod and scrumptious nose. Woof!

26 May 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 48th Birthday to hottie Lenny Kravitz. I just can't get used to him at that age.


I don't remember if I wrote a great vet experience with Affordable Pet Care. Jean Luc was scared but he mellowed when we got home.

He had all his shots and a manicure so he's strictly an indoor baby.

Chiffie out.

23 May 2012

Gastric Bypass

I've been sitting on this for about three months. I wanted to tell my nieces first.

Yes, I'm gonna have the procedure. My weight has always been a problem. Like I said, last year I lost 60 lbs. without even trying. This year I gained thirty lbs and I've started to lose weight again. I've already lost 15 lbs.

I'm excited and anxious about this. We'll see how this works. I'm scheduled for sometime in September. I am having some tests before I can proceed.

Chiffie out.

20 May 2012


Everyone that's seen me has also seen my cane. It's one of those cheap Mexican canes with Mayan or Aztec colours.

Yes I do need it, and I'm now schlepping with an ace bandage around my left knee. I can walk with out it, but I really need both the can and the bandage.

I get so many compliments on it from natives and tourists. The Louisiana people says it looks like a voodoo cane. Now I must have one.

But I'm comfortable with my cane.

Chiffie out

17 May 2012

Jean Luc

Jean Luc has been acting different lately. Last week he spent the whole week under the bed,coming out for food and water.

This week he's been craving attention. He still sleeps with me, and he's been attached with me as usual.

He keeps jumping on my lap wanting me to stroke him and hugging and kissing. Of course I give him all my loving.

He's my baby, so I will always give him my attention.

Chiff out.

15 May 2012


Went to the dentist yesterday for a follow up. My thrush is gone thanks to the med he prescribed.

Next on tap, he's gonna yank out some teeth and we might end up with a partial or a denture. We shall see what happens.

Chiffie out.

13 May 2012

La Cage aux Folles

Anybody that knows me know how much I love the theatre. Yesterday HP and I went to see La Cage aux Folles.

George Hamilton was in it and he can't really sing, but he did give it the old college try. Christopher Sieber stole the show with his version of Albin. This did follow the original French film, not the poor American version of The Birdcage.

I definitely would recommend this. 

Chif out.

Roller Coaster

Last year I lost 60 lbs and this year I gained 30 lbs. And as luck would have it, I've lost 15 lbs this year. I'm on the roller coaster of  weight loss. I just wonder what would happen if I worked out.

Went to the theatre yesterday and my pants started to slip. I'm all for the weight loss. Now if I can only find clothes that fit.

Chif out.

08 May 2012


Nothing much going on for me to write anything lately. Guess I'll write about some goings on.

Just got a great haircut, makes me look like a lesbian. HP loved it and Purple 13 liked it but thought I needed to color it. I like it because it makes me look younger.

Jean Luc has  been acting strange lately. He's not been eating as much as he usually does. And he's been drinking more water. Today he was mewing for no reason. He just needed attention which he always gets.

HP got a kitten last week and he's enjoying the antics. Gumbo is white with a gray marking on his head. I can hardly wait to meet him.

That's it for now. Nothing much to report except the weather. It's hot out but there is a cool breeze that makes it comfortable.

Chiffie out.

27 April 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 32nd Birthday to Scottish hottie James MacAvoy. First caught my attention in the sci-fi Dune.

Chiff out.

25 April 2012


As usual, I'm right. Just got back from the dentist and I do not have cancer. But he did find thrush and gave me a script for it.

Chiflado is still in good health and the healthiest sick person I know. I did give a sigh of relief.


23 April 2012

Thank You

Just want to thank everyone who is in my support group. I am lucky to have you in my corner. You know who you are. All friends and and family.

Thanks for being there for me. And I love ya'll more than my red Solo cup :-)


21 April 2012


No, not me gain. This time it was Hush Puppy's turn. I went along because they would not do it without someone being there for him.

No problem. What's a friend for? It was just another chapter in our friendship.

Afterwards, we went to Einstein's for a light lunch and then it was back home for me. I crashed and took a nap. You'd think I was the one that went through the procedure.

Chiff out.

14 April 2012


Yesterday was hectic for me. Woke up at 5 a.m. had cawfee and was out the door at 7,45. Before I left, I called Einstein's Bagels to set aside some asiago cheese bagels. I grew to love them when I was in Michigan.

Went to the Medical Centre to see my psychiatrist, the delicious Dr J. We had a nice visit and he gave me a script for ambien.

Then I went to Einstein's for my bagels. I am a happy camper. I actually got my bus without waiting much.

Came home had lunch and I was off to my appointment with Dr M, my HIV doctor. We talked about some issues and he gave me a script for my acid reflux.

Then I waited forever to get my script. I was there from 1,00 to 3,45. I was exhausted and came home. I'll take the scripts to the pharmacy sometime today.

I came home and crashed. Normally I get under the covers for naps, but I was so tired I fell asleep and forgot the covers.

Got up, had a bagel for dinner and called it a night. Slept like a log.


Great Hair Month

I had a great hair month last month and looks like it's carrying over to this month.

I have a versatile hair cut that I can style in different looks. I kinda want to dye it again but who's gonna see it other than Jean Luc.

E did say the other night I don't look 53. He said I looked in my late 30's early 40's. What are friends for anyway? Love how they lie.

Chiff out

11 April 2012


I've been feeling bloated for the past week. I feel like a water balloon ready to burst. Gets on my nerves. I wake up bloated and go to sleep bloated. Don't know what's making me feel like that.

I have been taking over the counter meds to help out but I still feel like a water balloon ready to burst. I'm hoping this will pass soon.

And there's the acid reflux that makes me gag a lot. I can take stuff, but I still feel it. It's nasty because I can burp and I can taste the bile. Not a pretty picture. I see the doctor Friday and see what he's gonna prescribe.

Chiff out.

Ladies who Dine

Went to India Palace for dinner tonight. Hooked up with E, a cherished friend I've known for 25 years. You read that right.

I'm blessed to have him in my support system, even though I give him the guilties because we see each other like once a year.

Anyhoooo, the food was fabulous tonight. Nothing like a buffet to meet my needs. The company was also great. We caught up on our lives and had a nice visit.

I would recommend India Palace for lunch or dinner.

Chiff out.

06 April 2012

JC The Musical

I already know I will burn in hell. So with that in mind, I have to share this with everyone. No comment.

Chiffie out.


I don't mind having Lupe around. He gets the things I need done sometimes even before I know.

Lupe was at the doctor's office and I didn't know it. I was shown paperwork verifing me to back it up. Just wish he would tell me about it.

Chiff out.

Birthday Boy

Happy 41st Birthday to hottie Ewan McGregor. Wonder if he's comando in his kilt. I would like to find out.

Chiff out.

04 April 2012

Dental School

I've been going to the UT Dental School. Last time they took x-rays and made a mold of my teeth, what's left of them.

Today they extracted a tooth. They also did a biopsy to rule out cancer. I already know I'm negative only because I'm the healthiest sick person I know. I get the results at my next visit.

Chiff out.

Ladies who Lunch

HP and I went to EZ's for lunch yesterday. We each had fabulous burgers and fries and onion rings.

It's always nice to visit with HP. We then went to HEB to get stuff for Jean Luc. He is so spoiled. He should be glad that he's an indoor cat.

And I would recommend EZ'S for a nice meal.


Chiflado out.

01 April 2012

Billy Eliot

Anyone that knows me knows that I enjoy quality films and the theatre.
Every once in a while I get to enjoy both. I saw the film Billy Eliot so long ago and now there is a Broadway musical. Hush Puppy and I went to the Majestic to see the musical and I was not let down.

The story of young Billy who finds himself liking ballet. We then go through his story getting in the Royal Ballet.

I would highly reccomend both.

Chiflado out.

28 March 2012


That time of year again. I went two weeks ago to the hospital to update my files. I have a new insurance company and they said everything is okay and just to show up the next Tuesday.

So I went Teusday and of course, not only did they not have my paperwork, they had me listed with the previous insurance company. They wound up calling the doctor to fax over the information. I swear these people are blondes.

So I went through my colonoscopy and when I came to, the nurses said everything was okay. I'm still making an appointment with the doctor. I really cannot stand this man, he has no bedside manner, but he knows his job better than the previous doctor.

We'll see what misadventures I will come across.


26 March 2012

Birthday Girl

Happy 68th Birthday to Diana. I've loved her since childhood. Okay, I did dress up like her and sang, not lip synche. Just call me Trevor!

Chiflado out.

23 March 2012

Jean Dujardin

What a babe! He won the Oscar for best actor. I would also vote for his hot schnozz, and he is just so good looking. I am satisfied with him. He won the Cannes prize for Best Actor, the SAG Award, the Golden Globe, the BAFTA and the Oscar for one film.

Chiffie out.

Dental School

Went to the Dental School at the UTHSC. We took x-rays and one of my molars need to get yanked out. My partial needs to be reset.

So far so good. I am pleased with everything regarding the Dental School. I will be going back on 4 April to begin the process. Sounds like fun.

Chiffie out

Hearing Aid

I had my hearing checked sometime in the summer and found out that I needed a hearing aid. They found that I do need a hearing aid.

Trouble is they start at $16oo.oo! And they can work with me on a payment plan. Like I have $16oo laying around for it.

Yesterday I went to another Dr for this. I got to try out a hearing aid and it worked. This was the top of the line hearing aid and it only cost $45oo. Of course. I always look for the best.

This one was cool and had a remote for the hearing aid which only made it better. Like I have that kind of money.

I also found out that I should be on Medicaid and they would help me purchase one of these. I just need to find out where the nearest Medicaid for me to apply for it.

We'll see.

Chiffie out.

The Chair

I don't think I updated my info regarding the chair I wanted. I went to Desks Galore because I saw the commercials for it.

We went to look and chairs and I found one that was a bit art decoish and bought it. What the commercials don't say is there is a $90+ fee for delivery. The chick that I talked to said it would be a free delivery if a truck goes into downtown.

Long story short, they never delivered it after a week, so I called to cancel the transaction.

HP said he'd run by Target to see if there were any chairs. I went on-line and found a chair at the Target website. I ordered it Monday and it was delivered Thursday. Not bad.

So I am happy with it. It's a tad too big, but I want to get rid of the pub table and chairs that go with it to make more room for the chair.

Here I was minimizing everything and I wound up with more clutter. I plan on selling the pub table with the two chairs to make more room available.

Chiffie out.

21 March 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 39th Birthday yesterday to Hottie Adrien Brody. He's sizzling hot and has a schnozz I could go for.

19 March 2012

Viral Load

The other number we look at is the viral load. Here's some info on that and we want this number to be low. 50 copies or less is considered undetectable.

Viral load is a measurement of how much HIV is present in your blood. A sample of blood is drawn and sent to a lab for testing. Results are expressed as the number of copies of the virus per milliliter of blood. Each virus is called a "copy" because HIV reproduces by making copies of itself (replicating).

The viral load test gives a more accurate picture of what the virus is doing in your body at the moment than the CD4+ test does. (The CD4+ test measures the effect HIV is having on your immune system.) The viral load test is used to find out when to start treatment with medicines (antiretroviral therapy) and when to change antiretroviral medicines.

T-cells or CD4

Every body asks what's a t-cell. Here's some info. We look for a t-cell or CD4 count as high as possible. Hope this helps.

CD4+ cells are part of the immune system and are a type of white blood cell. White blood cells protect the body against infection. CD4+ cells are also called T-lymphocytes, T-cells, or T-helper cells.

HIV invades and destroys CD4+ cells. But the body continues to produce new CD4+ cells to fight the HIV infection. If the infection is not treated with medications, the body gradually loses the ability to produce enough CD4+ cells to replace the number that are being destroyed by HIV. As the number of CD4+ cells in the blood drops, it becomes more difficult for the immune system to fight infections.

Recommended Related to HIV/AIDS

HIV, AIDS, and the CD4 Count

CD4 cells are a type of white blood cell that fights infection. Another name for them is T-helper cells. CD4 cells are made in the spleen, lymph nodes, and thymus gland, which are part of the lymph or infection-fighting system. CD4 cells move throughout your body, helping to identify and destroy germs such as bacteria and viruses. The CD4 count measures the number of CD4 cells in a sample of your blood drawn by a needle from a vein in your arm. Along with other tests, the CD4 count helps tell...

Read the HIV, AIDS, and the CD4 Count article > >

CD4+ counts are measured every 3 to 4 months in people who are infected with HIV. The CD4+ count is an important measurement of how HIV is affecting your immune system and can help you decide when to begin treatment for HIV or when you need to try a different combination of medicines.

18 March 2012


What a milestone to celebrate. Today marks my 8th year with the fabulous thing called AIDS.

I skipped HIV and shot to the beginning when I only had 3 t-cells. I had my first blood work to find out more information on moi.

Sometimes I feel like it's a joke, but then I look at the lab results and see the truth. It's in black and white right in front of my hands.

When I tell people, they always say not you. You're just not the type to have it. Some people are not comfortable with it, unlike me who looks at it and laugh in it's face. It's not fair, but who said it was supposed to.

And now I have to prep for Tuesday's colonoscopy. All day tomorrow I plan to be sitting on the commode. What a fabulous thing to look forward to.

Chiffie out.

16 March 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 41st Birthday to Mad Men's Jon Hamm. It's not just the fact that he's gorgeous that I watch the series, I do like the show.

15 March 2012

Dr's Visit

Went to the doctor to get the results of my labs. My t-cell count dropped again. Last time they were at 220 and today they're at 164. He said it's that time of year, like that made me feel any better. I'm also still undetectable.

I updated my meds with him also and he gave me a script for Nasonex. I forgot what for. Sometimes I blank out and forget things.

I came home and had breakfast and then I went to Walgreen's. Big mistake. The trolleys were packed and running slow. And I was schlepping all over the downtown area. The heat and humidity pulled a number on me.

I was exhausted when I got home. I lay down for a nap, but I was way too exhausted to even take a nap. I had a severe backache that started somewhere in my running around.

I came home, showered and tried to nap but no go. My head is spinning even now. I feel like I'm gonna pass out. I hope I can get to sleep okay.

The one constant in my life is Jean Luc. He's such a chiflado cat like no other. He likes to lay with me in bed, so I've got something to distract me.

I will see what tomorrow brings.

Chif out of it.

14 March 2012


So I was looking at my hands when I realized they're not trembling as much as they used to before the meds. I'm also on the right combination of meds for my tremors. HP says I can now eat soup. That's what friends are for, huh?

I'm gonna be adventurous and attempt to shave myself rather than going to my barber. It's a big step for me. I gotta go to Walgreen's and get some shaving lotion. Cross your fingers for me.

Chif out.

Mental Health Day

Went to go see my psychiatrist yesterday. Everything's cool. He has me on the right dosage of medications that are helping me a lot. Don't know what I'd do without them.

Dr J is fabulous. He's gorgeous and intelligent and I'm very satisfied with him. The only problem is that now he's taking his patients with insurance in the medical center. It's well out of the way for me what with crossing Fredericksburg Rd, but he's well worth the trip.

While I was up there, I called Einstein's Bagels to get some asiago bagels that I got hooked on in Ann Arbor. I also found them available in Palm Springs when Steve and I were up there for my birthday so long ago.

Nothing much else.

Chif out.

12 March 2012

Birthday Girl

Happy 66th birthday to Liza, with a Z, Minnelli. Daughter of the late great Judy Garland, nee Frances Gumm. We love you Liza.

Chiff out.

07 March 2012


It's not as if I have a busy life, but I get lazy keeping this up to date. Last week I went to SAHA to update my status with them.

Of course when one gets called in to someone in charge, one gets a bit nervous and anxious.

Long story short, I got approved for another year. So long as one as one's under the poverty line, one gets approved. I never thought I would be happy to be where I am financially.

Chiflado out.


I think Lupe updated my blog. This is not the format I had originally. Guess Lupe did this the other night. He apparently ate a bag of marshmallows while he was at it.

Wonder what else he's done. First thing Chiflado does when he does wake up is check to see if the door's locked.

Chiff out.

04 March 2012


Nothing going on. I'm trying to get an inspection stick under the counter for HP. He gave me the info so I'm hoping my carcacha gets a sticker.

Nothing going on although I did watch JLO's attempt to find acts for a Latino perspective at one of the Las Vegas hotels. We'll see what comes out.

Jen and Marc Anthony are going all over South America looking for talent. Some are good and some are downright bad. We'll see what comes out. Some are good and some are not. You know who I'm rooting for.


29 February 2012

Still Blue

I don't plan these thoughts in my mind, their just there. Yesterday and today I spent most of the day in bed. I had three naps today. And then I woke up and stayed in bed for a while.

The clock says 5,08 but it seems longer. I don't know. I am seeing a psychiatrist and a counselor but I'm still here in my comfortable fetal position.

As usual, Jean Luc is always there to comfort me. Either that or I'm sleeping like a cat. I mean every time I wake up and he's there. Maybe that's the reason he's so chiflado.

More later...

24 February 2012


Hello Everyone! What a difference a day makes. One day I was manic about cleaning everything, and then the next day I was depressed and stayed in bed. I've been staying in bed a lot recently.

Chiflado gets the blues and there's nothing to help him. Not even the happy pills work when I get like this. Wish I had just one pill to get everything over and done with. When my doctor or the nutritionist ask if there's anything I need, I always say cyanide which they laugh off.

For some reason I manage to move forward and challenge whatever comes my way. People say I was put here for a reason and I always come on top.

Chiff out.

23 February 2012

Blue Boy

It's that time of the year. I am depressed and don't know why. I was in bed most of the day in the fetal position. I'm in a bother or burden state of mind. Yes I take my meds, but nothing works when I'm in this mood.

Some has to do with the month. February is always a monetary problem. Even when I was working, it sneaked up on me. Days go by in and out of my life, hard to keep track of.

I was talking to HP tonight and told me I'm ready for the oven. It's one of those I want to die kind of mood. My funeral was taken care of way back in 1980. I really need to get a new copy. I have the carbon copies and they're kinda hard to read. My friend C laughed at the part where I will be disposed of immediately and no service. Of course there will not be a notice in the paper. Do you know expensive that is? Besides, I am a nobody and have lived with that all my life.

We'll see what happens next. I really try my best but I feel like a fraud most of the time. And on that note, I will say good night.

Chiffie out.

19 February 2012

Nasty Taste

I spent part of the day spewing breakfast and lunch. I was careful with dinner and had a bagel. I think I got a tad ambitious with today. But it was not to be.

Of course I spent most of the day in bed and getting up to take care of business. The other times I do get up in the middle of the night and see if any of the guys want to come out.

And then when I least expected, I started vomiting again. At least there was no blood this time around.

HP knows what I'm going through, he's gone through several of my symptons, so he can be there for me. He really tries his best, but sometimes I'm just not in the mood.

Don't worry. It comes and goes. I like it when it comes along and I can get things done for him. He is a very special man who saved me several times.


17 February 2012


I've waited all week for the chair to be delivered. I just got frustrated with the whole mess. They did say they would deliver if I paid for delivery. Otherwise I have to wait until there's another downtown delivery.

If it's not raining tomorrow, D and her husband L will take me to get the chair. A lot depends on what they say when I call again tomorrow. I hate waiting.

HP came over with Subway's subs and the last two DVDs in the Harry Potter series. Loved it. HP says we saw the last one together. I don't remember it. That's a plus when my memory disappears and everything is new to me.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. I just want my chair.

Chiffie out.

15 February 2012

Merry Maid

It came outta nowhere. I got the clean bug. I went on a cleaning rampage. I swept, mopped, and vacuumed. This was easy. Tomorrow I might hit the tub. The infamous tub that was my torture chamber not so long ago. Still seams like it was last week rather than a year and a half.

I even washed my bed spread and JL's pillow. He loves it when I do laundry and he goes crazy with the warmth and scent. Sho'nuf, he went crazy with the spread and then he ran to his pillow and started sniffing and kicking around. He's such a spoiled child.

Nothing else going on. I've spent this past week waiting to get a chair I got at Desks Galore. They advertise on TV, so I thought I'd get better service. The ad says they will deliver the next day. What they don't say is there is a $90 for that delivery. My chair will magically appear when they have other deliveries in downtown. In other words, wait.

Ya'll have a fabulous day.


Birthday Boy

Happy 38th birthday to fabulous singer Robbie Williams. So many images to choose on him. I got this just because I prefer black and white pictures.

11 February 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 51st Birthday to hottie George Stephanopoulos. He's got the whole package going, nice smile, hot nalgas, and that award winning smile.

10 February 2012

A Babe!

So there I was getting into the elevator when I heard a voice to hold it for him. Hold what =)

In he walked with his bike. His name is F and he's gotta be at least 6'7", I mean I had to look up to him. My eyes were in front of his nipples which is one of the things that I find attractive in a man.

So we introduced each other and I gave him my name and unit number. He's probably in his late teens early twenties. He's so young. I could be an older brother to him. More like a grandmother I can hear HP say.

We've seen each other more and more often. I want him. But he's so young. He looks like he's twelve or something like that.

I'm forever looking for him to casually bump into him. Guess I'll keep you abreast, get it?, of the situation.


09 February 2012

Hectic Thursday

I almost wrote Friday, it was kinda sorta bad day. I waited for 30 minutes for the 91 Fredericksburg Rd skip stop. Then we hit the train waiting more time. Then the bus driver said one of the tires was flat and we could wait for another bus or go to the stops we just left or the coming stop.

I stayed put. Sho'nuf we walked to the new bus. The route does not stop at the next stop but we did today because of the flat. So we got everybody back in and what do you think happened? We had another train! !Ahi Caramba!

So I get to the stop I needed which was on the opposite side of Fredericksburg. So there I was schlepping through all the mess. Traffic was horrible of course. I finally made it to the suite of my psychiatrist and there were six buildings to choose from.

Being the adventurer that I am, I went into the first building and voila!, there it was. I was PO'd until I opened the door and was greeted with nice calming music. I filled out paperwork and was immediately taken in to Dr J's office.

Dr J is my kinda man. He's attractive and smart and listens and remembers everything I've talked to him about. A man who listens?, again, how often do you see that?

We had a nice visit. I calmed down with him and updated my chart and talked about a medication suggested by my neurologist. So that was that, I crossed over to the shopping strip and got me some bagels. They were out of my favourite bagel, but the manager said next time I go out I can call ahead and they'll have a fresh batch waiting for me.

Then I caught up with HP and had dinner at the Black Eyed Pea. He too had an exhausting day at work. We were gonna do HEB, but he was too tired and I was semi-frazzled, so we can go tomorrow.

I finally came home and had me a fabulous refreshing beverage. And how was your day?

Chif out

Birthday Boy

Happy 57th birthday to Jim J. Bullock. Remember him from Too Close for Comfort and the middle square on TV's Hollywood Squares.

05 February 2012


HP and I got together Friday and I'd just gotten home from the doctor's office. We had lunch at Oasis and by the time I got home I wasn't feeling well.

I lay down while he surfed the net. I was very out of it and he gave me a great massage, from what I remember. Finally it was decided that he would go home and we'd get together Saturday.

I fell asleep and woke up feeling worse. I was burning up yet the thermometer reading was 97. Hmmmm.

I had talked to D and her husband L were gonna take me to look at a chair for the apartment. I called to cancel and she sounded concerned. It's the AIDS is what I like to say.

I did get together with HP Saturday but my mind's blank on what we did. Purple 13 likes to call it a senior moment. I have them all the time and I sometimes am in the middle of a sentence I forget and just say I got lost. I keep getting lost more and more frequently.

Nice way to start a month.

Chiffie out.

30 January 2012


It's weird but some days I'm not hungry. I do go through the routine of eating something, so I kinda have to force myself to eat something.

I went to group today and we got stuck in the rain. I caught the trolley that leaves me in front of my apartment. I came home and again not hungry. I did have a bagel and that was it for the night.

When I got home Jean Luc had a shit fit. He was meowing like there was no tomorrow. He jumped into my arms and started licking my hand. It took him a while to calm down. Nice to be missed.

I think he just acted that way because he was hungry, but that wasn't it. I filled his bowl but he was still following me around the apartment. When I was ready to give him some loving, he decided to eat and then curled in his pillow next to the computer. He was out and slept a good four hours.

Chiffie out.


My weekly medications. Thought I was lying? My meds are mostly paid by my insurance. There is one that I'm responsible, but it's only about $6.00.

Chif out.

28 January 2012

Bowel Movements

I will never understand nurses' concern about bowel movements. I never used to move for the life of me.

I've been more active bowel movement wise. Today I had four! Maybe I'll shit myself away. LOL.

A quiet day today. HP came over and we did breakfast at Oasis. I also got breakfast tacos for tomorrow morning.

Nothing else to report. Just getting ready for bed.

Chiffie out.

27 January 2012

Just Schleping

Had a great day today. HP came over as usual and we visited for a while. Then the idea for lunch came up. After naying several choices, we decided on Olive Garden. I hadn't been in decades.

Our waiter was gorgeous of course. I wonder if management looks especially for hotties. But there were several and I loved it. HP told me several times to stick my tongue back where it belongs.

Lunch was great as always and the dessert was mouth watering orgasmic. That was the first taste. I took my sweet time savoring it all.

While we were there we went to Target. I had to get some new chones. :-0 remember? Then we parted ways for the day. We'll see us tomorrow. He's been giving me manicures, he's such an angel.

And here we are. I did forget that he went to Einstein's and got me some of my favourite bagels. So I'm set for the week. Sometimes I just have a bagel for dinner for those weird days that I'm not hungry. Me? not hungry? yeah right. But I do have my days.

Chiffie out.

23 January 2012

Pity Party for 1

My depression rolled over to this week. There's nothing to do just let it pass. I've tried all the things but it's still there. There will be a level in my system.

This morning I spent talking to people all around. I think it was in August that I got my hearing tested and was told I need a hearing aid. Like hello, everybody I know knows that.

Turns out that Humana would not pay for my hearing aid. Now turns out Aetna will pay for some of it. I'm kinda out of this but they will pay the amount I forgot. I still have $650 outta pocket for it. That got me down again.

I'm working with the doctor's office on this and they referred me to another agency that might pay the amount. So I need to call them in the morning to see what's going on.

Chiflado out.

Chinese New Year

Today marks the Year of the Dragon in the Chinese calendar. If there are any Dragons out there, give me a holler. I myself am a Dog always looking for a woofing time.

The more I look at this tattoo, the more I like it. Hmmmm...I do have seven tatts already. Think about an even amount of tatts.

Chiffie out.

22 January 2012

Marcel Proust

Spent another day in bed. I'm trying to control this. I just wish it would stop and leave me alone.

Sometimes there are periods where things seem worst than they are, I'm there right now. I have to ride it out. Yes I'm on meds and they work sometimes and often, but I'm still where I started earlier.

Some people call it depression and some say it's me going through the change. Yeah, right. I just call it normal. I've been normal for over 40 years. I actually remember depression as a child. Of course it took me years to figure out, but when I was finally diagnosed, it all fell into place. The light bulb went on all of a sudden.

I could have done so much more had I this knowledge. Today was spent in bed all day again. I had three naps today. I swear I'm turning into a Jean Luc. If I could lick my privates then I would say I was feline.

But I'm just me, Chiflado. All my friends now know me as Chiflado. And Honey, I am Chiflado with a capital C. A lot of people have said plain out that I just need a good fuck. Sad to say I never walked up to anybody and asked for a dance, a light, something. But I prefer it when they come up and talk to them and see where it goes.

Chiffie out.

21 January 2012

Panic V Anxiety

I'm in one of my moods as usual. I forget the difference between panic and anxiety attacks. At least I stay home. The other times I've gotten them I've been out and about.

It just comes out for minutes or hours. The other day I got one one block from home. All of a sudden the earth shook and I was like in jello where everything moved around me. I just walked faster and got home in time to hide them.

I woke up with these feelings and stayed in bed all day. I'm having a hard day of numbness. I get these feelings all over and I get them to the point where I shake all over. Right now I'm having what I like to say, are mini-orgasms.

They're absolutely fabulous. They get to the point of wanting a cigarette which I don't have but do hang with the smoking neighbours. I want to have sex just to see if it's the same thing. Like I need sex these days. Been there done that.

I'm having a glass of Gallo Sambria. I always get compliments from male buyers at the stores. I didn't know it's that good. Girl, I know nothing about booze just that it's good for us. When HP threw away his booze and brought it over for me to entertain with them. Der! Honey I went threw them like in one week. Throw away the booze...Honey, that's just alcoholic abuse if you ask me.

More later.

20 January 2012

Sicko again

Just talked to HP and he asked about the camp out. It's only 112 days from today. We'll see what drama comes out of this. I'm already thinking karaoke. I love the Red Solo Cup or me and HP can do Remind me with Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood. I think it's Brad. HP just refuses to get up onstage so maybe with me there, he'll start singing.

Dare I say it? It's 112 days until the camp out!


18 January 2012

Catching up

Just a quick hello. Chiflado was very sick last week. I had a lot of chicken soup from El Oasis. Absolutely scrumptious. Next time I'll go visit my PCP. Nothing like love my baby gives me.

More later...


13 January 2012

Out and About

HP decided to have a different Saturday for moi's sake. We went to lunch at Romanos Italian restaurant. It was different than other restaurants in the area. Our entrees were fantabulous.

After that, we went to HEB for supplies. I wanted to get some chicken to make soup if the need calls for it. We'll see what tomorrow expects.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. Oh, I'm doing a whole lot better than last week. Granted I was at home in my flannel jammies and enjoying the day. But HP suggested we go out. And out we did.

We had a fabulous lunch and then went to HEB. So there I was, getting all the makings for chicken soup. All I can say is Halleleluia. I got everything on my list and had to use the little boys room. When I came out, my cart was missing.

Long story short, somebody took my cart and I never saw it again. How rude. So, I had to enter and see what goes again.

Chiffiie out

12 January 2012

Sicko 2

Please make this stop. I've been in bed for the past week almost. I was actually able to keep track of a conversation. Right now, most conversations come and go and I don't know where they're going.

I've had chicken soup from El Oasis downstairs. Four soups. They already know my voice when I call an order. I am tired of it though. I've had soup all week. That's a lot and I feel like I'm growing feathers.

I just got lost in conversation like I've done before. Oh well, who cares? I just spent another few minutes trying to remember what was said.

I know I have to get with the motion and see which fly looks cheesier.

Laters Chif out

09 January 2012


Hello Guyz and Gals, just a quick note telling the world I'm sick, have been for the past few days. No temperature, not your usual things going on. I have been in bed for the past three days.

I do get up to see that Jean Luc has food and water. He's been wonderful to me. He curls up next to me like around my knees and he shoves himself up and maneuvers his fat ass and starts to clean himself. He is such a chiflado cat and he knows it.

Chif out.

06 January 2012

Happy New Year's Eve

Okay, it's a new year and I slept through the noise. It was just Jean Luc in bed when we heard some of the noise. I fell asleep around 10 p.m. Another holiday come and gone and no reason to celebrate. I can still hear fireworks here and there.

Chif out.