29 December 2011


I think I'm over it. A whole day wasted in bed most of the day. I still feel groggy but I'm doing a lot better. JL looked out for me also. Every time I took a nap, he was there with me. Don't know if he looked after me out of pity or was waiting for his food.

I was so out of I went to bed around 8 p.m. or so. I didn't even talk to HP.

Thursday AM: Still very out of it but it's lurking. I even went to HEB to get some things. I do have an appointment with the neurologist. He's the one who decided my tremors were a sign of old age. Don't know why I'm bothering to go see him. Maybe there's a new pill just released that will take care of that.

Chif out.

28 December 2011

Under the Weather

Don't know what happened last night. I went to bed and woke up at 11 to get some water. I tried everything, but I could not get to sleep.

Finally around 4 am, I just got up to get some cawfee and see what's going on. I did have a major BM, but sleep was not in my cards.

Just took a shower and I'm calling good ole trusty El Oasis. Hopefully I will have major sleep sometime today.

Pray for me.

Chif out

20 December 2011


Hanukkah began at sundown today. Sorry to bring this up so late, but I'm sure it has happened before.


One of the few things I liked before I got sick was to communicate with whoever about any topic. Now it's embarrasing talking to people. Maybe that's another reason I don't go anywhere. I'll be in the middle of a conversation and I lose track about what we were talking.

HP tries his best to get me back in the world. He is such an angel. One day he was checking email, and I don't know what made him look at my nails. They've always been out of control. So he gave me a manicure. Me holding onto nail clippers is a bad joke. Now it's part of our routine.

Well, that's that. I just lost what we were talking about.

Chif out.

18 December 2011

I C London

I've been to France, and no one can see my underpants! LOL. Why can anybody not see my chones because I've lost enough weight and I need a smaller size.

This has never happened before and I think it's hysterical. My decision, do I get new chones or use up the ones I have now. We'll see how I feel about this. Some are loose enough that I just throw them away. You might say why not give it to the Good Will? How grody is that? I have actually seen underwear there and I pretty much stay away from them.

The weird thing is that I've gained 10 lbs, but my chones do not know it. Guess it's time to get some new ones. See how long that lasts.

Chif out.


Anybody that knows me know that I love the theatre. When I heard that Fiddler on The Roof was coming I had to go no matter what.

I love this musical and I remember watching the it at the Aztec Theatre. I have it in DVD and watch it every once in a while. Sad to say, I had a blond moment. What I was thinking was that this followed the movie, something rarely done. But then I realized the movie came after Broadway. Duh.

Regardless, I loved it. I hope any of ya'll had a chance to see it. HP and I went to see it and loved it.

Chif out

15 December 2011

Dr's Visit

I went to the clinic to get my lab results. Once again I am undetectable and my CD4 count was 201. Everything was normal again, normal for an HIV person.

The other thing I had to talk about is bariatric surgery. Silver Daddy had that procedure because he had trouble with spicy foods. Of course the extra plus is weight loss. Cross your heart and light a chandler for me.

Chif out.

12 December 2011


So I woke up this morning anxious to get cawfee brewing. I got to the kitchen and the cawfee was already for me. Lupe strikes again.

I do get scared with all these things going on. It was a joke at first but there's nothing funny about it. So what did I do? I cried as I poured and drank my cawfee.

I always look around to make sure everything is where it's supposed to be. I have to live with him. I must bring it up with my psychiatrist and counselor. As much as I'm bored with these visits.

We'll see what tomorrow brings. Have a fabulous day.

Chiflado Out


You might want to skip this entry.

So there I was getting on a trolly the other day and I walked straight into a fart. There was a driver and two passengers. It was horrible. I started tearing almost immediately. Skunks smell better than this.

You might ask, hey Chiflado, what did you do? I had to take the trolley to get home, it was just so cold and raining, and I was not in the mood. So I stuck it out and was so glad to pull for my stop.

I came home and showered is what I did. I went into detail with HP and he was laughing so much. I did go into detail which made it more laughable.

Chif out

02 December 2011

I'm Special

Wednesday I ran errands and my goal was to get back in time for the daily special. Don't know where I went but I was exhausted by the time I got home.

I went to Oasis for their mole enchiladas. I got up to pay for lunch where the waitress told me a man had paid for my lunch. Now I must track the man. I must give him the Chiflado special.

I have suffered from low self-esteem like forever. And this was quite the pick me up. Cross your fingers, light candles, anything that will help me out.

Chiflado out.