25 February 2016


I've been having great difficult problems with Google. It keeps kicking me out. Hopefully this will go through. I've been posting on Facebook and Twitter under the pseudonym Michael Hunt. I must keep my privacy.

Good-bye from Chiflaco.

16 February 2016

Things That Go Hmmm

Well this is a new one. My falling problems began when I stopped drinking. Yeah, this is a lame excuse for drinking.

I did an experiment and arrived at the conclusion for drinking.. So, I have an excuse for drinking. At least I have an excuse for drinking.

Chiflaco out.

08 February 2016

Falling Again

It has returned. I'm falling down again. Lately I've been falling every night at bedtime. I have a blankie in the living from those cold days. Now when I fall and pass out, I can sleep on the floor. I should start leaving a pillow.

The bad thing about the home falls is that I often hit my head against something. And it does hurt. I'm not ready for assisted living. I'll stay where I am. I've only been here for almost ten years.

I fell off the toilet the other night. There's not a fall I'm not familiar with. I'm actually thinking of asking for a handicap
commode. I'm afraid to bring me up when they find out about it and kick me out.

Please pray for me. I need all the help I can get.

Chiflaco out.