25 October 2012

Hush Puppy

So there I was, watching TV the other night. And Hush Puppy is one of the gay couple in the new show Partners, Our Hush Puppy is okay.

Recently our HP has been hospitalized with several different malaise's. This last time he was hospitalized for his foot. The doctor wound up amputating HP's little toe.

He took it in stride. Poor guy is on crutches for a few months. They have started skin grafting and HP and the doctor said it was okay.

Thanks for the prayers for him.

Chiffie out.

14 October 2012


I felt it last week. And it arrived yesterday. I don't know if anybody feels it like I do.

Depression. Didn't catch me off guard. I saw it coming. And here it is. I've been spending my day in bed. I just lie there and stare at the ceiling or wall, depends on how I'm lying down at the time.

Maybe that's why I'm not eating. Yesterday I only ate once. Today I had toast and cawfee and that's it. So far ditto for today. I do think I will eat something in a while to take my meds.

Hopefully ya'll are in a good place today.

Chiffie out.

Physical Therapy

I'm doing physical therapy for my knee. So far so good. I normally wear an ace bandage on my knee. Since I've started PT, I don't have to wear that bandage. I have to have PT for my shoulder and I'm starting that this week.

Ya'll know how I love noses. There's this doctor that has a sexy nose and other things as well. I did notice that he had a pair of shoes that use velcro rather than shoe strings. I was hoping he got them here, turns out he got them in Vegas.

I have thought about checking SAS shoes to see what they have. I can't deal with shoe strings anymore. When I tie the shoe strings, I don't have the strength to tie a good knot.

Chif out.

07 October 2012


HP and I think the shoulder pain is from my fall. It's really amazing how I survived. I really could have broken something or drop dead, but I made it okay.

I guess my guardian angel really did a good job of protecting me.

Before I forget, I have something weird with my torso. There's like a fungus or something that has me concerned. My arms from hand to shoulder, and stomach have this thing.

Dr M gave me some lotion that works on skin and I've a lot of skin to worry about. I did get a referral to see a dermatologist so I have to call and make an appointment. First on my to do list tomorrow.

Chiff out.

06 October 2012

Right Arm

The latest thing is a pain in my right shoulder. The pain starts at the front and quickly goes through my arm.

Dr M gave me some meds for the pain. It's not working. I tried all the meds and nothing worked.  I want a pill that works. It's just a band aid for a bigger problem.

Chiffie out.

Mental Health Day

I went to see my new psychiatrist  and went to my therapist the other day.

I'm okay with both of them. I have a new psychiatrist because the other was Dr J. He is absolutely gorgeous, always has a smile for everyone.

It's interesting how a therapist remember me. We picked up right where I was last. Dr K is good people and has helped me through a lot.

Chiffie out.