30 September 2011


I stayed in bed most of the day.

Birthday Boy

OMG!!!!! Johnny Mathis is 76 years young. Me and Johnny go way back. I had like 30 of his albums at one point. Yeah, I also found him attractive.

Nice Weather

We're having some nice weather. In the mornings I turn off the A/C and open a window to enjoy a fabulous breeze. Wonder how long this will last.

Nothing going on here. JL is scampering back and forth here. The other day when we had thunder, he left the comfort of his wing back chair and ran to to hide under the bed.

Just sitting here waiting for lunch.

Chif out.

26 September 2011

Mental Health Day

Thursday I went to my therapist. I've become so dependable on her. I talked about the usual things. I have moved on in my mental health. I do pretend that I'm okay just to keep people what I really feel.

So I'm sitting in my chair and we talked about Jean Luc's manicure. She had said it's better to do that when they're still kittens. The older the cat, the more it might be used to his claws and de-clawing might be more traumatising for the cat. But JL came through with flying colours.

He's doing well. I forgot, the reason I wrote this. My therapist noticed that I had no scratches any more. Sorry about the rambling.

Chif out.

24 September 2011


Ice cream ice cream, we all scream for ice cream. I hadn't had ice cream in quite a while, so I went to that aisle.

I was able to find only one of this flavour and I highly recommend it. It's Blue Bell of course and it is vanilla pudding completely with wafers. It was only a pint and it disappeared quickly.

Of course ever since I found it I haven't seen it since. But I will keep on looking for this.

Chif out.

18 September 2011

Still Moody

I've been thinking a lot about me lately. I guess I'm letting the depression get to me. I just spent a week and a half in bed over this.

I'm going with the who am I? and why am I still here. I should have been dead by now, but I'm still here. I remember my roll over accident in Michigan. I hit a patch of black ice and turned over about two maybe three times.

I wound up strapped to the seat belt I could not get out of. I looked around to see things. My phone and gym bag were on the passenger side along with bakery goodies I got for Steve and me. I had just had a great yoga workout and I think between the that and the seat belt, I survived.

And there were paramedics, but I didn't need them. I only had a small cut in my left palms.

They say there's a reason why people survive such incidents. So, why did I survive? Who knows. Had I gone to the hospital, I would have found out about my HIV status sooner.

So here I am. What's next for me? There was the bathroom incident, another survival. I hope I'm okay for what life throws my way. Bring it on Baby.

Chif out.

15 September 2011

Birthday Boy

Happy 27 Birthday to Prince Harry Windsor. Okay, he's also a hunk.

14 September 2011

JL Update

My baby's doing great. He's almost back to his normal self, especially when he gets in a manic mood and starts running all over the place. The one regret about his manicure is that I should have done it earlier. He's calmed out and he's not biting yet. 

For some reason, ya'll have been asking about him, but what about me? If anybody cares to know, I'm doing a whole lot better. 

Also, I will not be able to go to the camp out after all. I'm still recuperating and Mess is busy with his movie and HP has to work. I so wanted to go and see if the guys I met at the last one were there. It does help if you get a phone or email address. Too bad...for them. 

Chif out

1 day to the camp out.

12 September 2011

Under the Weather

I've been under the weather for the past week. I have actually slept threw most of last week. HP came over and I slept while he played on the computer.
I did ask him to bring chicken soup from Blanco. And it was so good. Almost as good as mine.

Still not feeling well. So far it hasn't happened but I expect a miracle to get back in the swing things. For now it's a lot of water and I will go get some DVDs to keep me company.

Chif out.

4 days until the camp out.

04 September 2011

Jean Luc

My little one is doing great. He's been drinking a lot of water and almost back to normal as can be on his kitty chow.

So far, he's more docile than before. As a matter of fact, he fell asleep in my lap the other day in a weird position. But he still keeps it kind of slow. He's in his chair right now grooming away after he hit the kibble. Correction: he's asleep after all that hoopla.

I caught him on the window sill laying around doing nothing. He likes to look out the window and watch the world go by. So far no bites yet. I wonder if his biting went paw in paw together. Anyways, he's here and looking fabulous.

14 days until the camp out.

01 September 2011


Went to the clinic for lab results. Everything is great. My t-cell count is 170 and I'm still undetectable. Kidneys, blood pressure normal. Liver in a great place also.

Usually I waste about an hour just in waiting. But I was in and out in about 30 minutes. Dr M also is adding his meds to my home delivery. Don't know if I blogged it, but Humana offered to mail out all my meds for three months at a time, rather than the usual week or so. As soon as I get all these meds come in, I will check with Aetna to see if they have a similar plan.

Chif out.

15 days until the infamous camp out.