25 February 2016


I've been having great difficult problems with Google. It keeps kicking me out. Hopefully this will go through. I've been posting on Facebook and Twitter under the pseudonym Michael Hunt. I must keep my privacy.

Good-bye from Chiflaco.

16 February 2016

Things That Go Hmmm

Well this is a new one. My falling problems began when I stopped drinking. Yeah, this is a lame excuse for drinking.

I did an experiment and arrived at the conclusion for drinking.. So, I have an excuse for drinking. At least I have an excuse for drinking.

Chiflaco out.

08 February 2016

Falling Again

It has returned. I'm falling down again. Lately I've been falling every night at bedtime. I have a blankie in the living from those cold days. Now when I fall and pass out, I can sleep on the floor. I should start leaving a pillow.

The bad thing about the home falls is that I often hit my head against something. And it does hurt. I'm not ready for assisted living. I'll stay where I am. I've only been here for almost ten years.

I fell off the toilet the other night. There's not a fall I'm not familiar with. I'm actually thinking of asking for a handicap
commode. I'm afraid to bring me up when they find out about it and kick me out.

Please pray for me. I need all the help I can get.

Chiflaco out.

30 January 2016

Lab Results

Went to the clinic yesterday for lab results. Everything is okay. I'm undetectable which is great and my t-cell count is 111. My t-cell count has always been low.

All my organs are okay. I'm taking care of myself.

Chiflaco out

23 January 2016

Downton Abbey

 I blame Greg. He told me about it and I watched and I was hooked. You know you're a faggot when you watch it or watch it on DVD when you got all six seasons when you support PBS.

So I know how this season ends. I won't give any spoilers unless you email me and ask. I've started watching the series from the beginning and I am amazed at characters in seasons 1 and 2 who return in later series. Julian Fellowes has got to be gay to get all these characters and incidents for six years.

I recommend this series wholeheartedly

Chiflaco out.

Doctor Hottie/Fashionista

I went to the dentist the other day. Dr. Riley is the hottest man I've seen. Baby blue eyes, warm smile, and a sincere heart. I wish he were single. I don't know his status, but he's so loveable. And he gives great handshakes.

He gave me a compliment that made my year. He said I looked great in my outfit. I was wearing jeans, and an oatmeal sweater over a burnt orange turtleneck. And I sported a scarf neatly tied at my throat. And also a beige coloured cap that made me look Preppy.

I've always been a clothes horse and I can whip out the best outfits with what I have. Damn I'm good.

I've also gotten into a scarf fetish. I already have four and I just ordered another in grey with rainbow Texas outlines. I can hardly wait to get it.

Chiflaco out.

02 January 2016

Bloody Fall

I hope this is not an indication of my new year. Another thing about vertigo is that I walk forward like I'm gonna fall. Or I start walking at an angle. Today I was walking like I was falling.

I finally fell down on the sidewalk of the library. I felt it coming. I landed on my nose and I hurt my teeth. For the first time I bled. My nose was on fire.

Some men were kind enough to help me. They helped pick me up and that's when I noticed the blood. I have a habit of carrying a handkerchief, like my grand-father, so I had something to soak the blood.

The girls at the library were kind and gave me some napkins. I went to the bathroom and saw myself in the mirror. Not a pretty sight.

I cautiously walked to the bus stop and came home to lick my wounds. Wonder where this came from?

Chiflado out.