31 July 2011

Chiflado's News

While HP was recuperating, I had a doctor's appointment. My CD4 count was 170 which was better than my last count, and I'm still undetectable. Again, I'm the healthiest sick person I know.

Last time I visited, Dr M froze a couple of warts on my upper lip. He froze them again this time until they were black. They both fell off within two days. He had given me a script for a lotion last time to put on them. Don't know if they worked at all. But they're gone and I'm happy. It was kinda funny when I'd put the lotion on the warts and I would forget about them. But no more, he did refer me to a dermatologist.

I mentioned my hearing, which HP knows first hand. There's been a ringing in my right ear for the past month or so. I should also get a referral. Last one was to the podiatrist and gave me a script also.

Looks I'm gonna be busy next month.

Chif out.

47 days until the September camp out.

Enough about HP

HP is doing great, so much so that he went to work last week. There were some I'm exhausted whining about work. I like to tease him that all he does is sit all day on the phone.

Chif out.

27 July 2011

Dan Radcliffe

Happy 22nd Birthday to Dan Radcliffe, 23 June. The guy's gorgeous and he's already done Broadway and has some films ready.

51 days to the September camp out.

25 July 2011

HP Update

HP got out of the hospital last week and went to Mom and Dad's for a few days. He did sound a whole lot better compared to a week ago. And he's going to work today. I still think he needs more rest, but who listens to me.

Camp out in 53 days.

20 July 2011

HP Update

Just talked to Hush Puppy and he's doing great. He's up in Kerrville and Mom made some chicken noodle soup. He's only doing a few days before he goes back to work. We're workaholics and we have to go on no matter what. I used to be like that. Now I stay at home and do nothing as ya'll know.

He did say we spoke last night but I don't remember. Today I tried to refill a couple of scripts and they told me I already picked them up. Kinda scary this forgetting all the time. I just say he spoke to one of the personalities and they haven't told me.

What a way to celebrate a birthday. Of course when he calls and give a spiel, Thank you for calling AARP. How may I help you. LOL I get away with murder with everyone.

He'll be back in SA Sunday at the latest.

That's it for now. Chif out.

Birthday Boy in SATX

Happy 50th Birthday today to our little Hush Puppy. He's already heard from AARP. He's in Kerrvile for much needed R&R after his hospital visit. We're praying for him to get better.

58 days until the September camp out.

Birthday Boy

Happy 44th Birthday to action adventure actor Vin Diesel, 18 July. Now here's one to hump the week into the weekend. WOOF!!!

14 July 2011

Hush Puppy

Hush Puppy is in the hospital again with pancreatites. He's in an okay mood. He's been there since Tuesday poor baby.

And of course, he has to out do me. He's also gonna take out the gall bladder. He's also thinking about disability. Poor guy he was on disability before and he should not be working.

Please keep HP in your thoughts and prayers.

Chif out.

64 Days until the next camp out.

13 July 2011

Birthday Boy

Happy 80th Birthday to hunky Tab Hunter, 6 June. I've always found him very handsome.

11 July 2011


I've been sitting on some news letting them fester at me. Mess went with me as a second set of ears.

They did an EEG of my brain looking for seizures, but of course this did not affect me. The neurologist said it's a sign of old age. He upped the dosage on my meds and that's about it.

So that's it? I'm to live with the tremors and the dosage. There has to be more to it than age. I will of course talk to my doctor when I see him this month. There is the option of a second opinion.

This of course did not sit well with me and I've been kinda depressed about it. For the past week I've been lying down for a daily nap. And I've not been going anywhere, just the library and pharmacy. Let's see what this week brings.

Chif out.

67 days until the camp out.

06 July 2011

Birthday Girl

Happy 66th Birthday 1 July, to Debbie Harry.

72 days until PWA camp out.

03 July 2011

Slow Week

I did nothing this past week. It was too hot to go anywhere and wound up fighting with Jean Luc for the bed. He has a whole bed to available so what does he do? He has to lie as much as he wants, but I get all the attention.

We'll see what this week has for me.

Chif out