31 March 2011


I cannot believe that my passport arrived so quickly. It's in my gimmee hands. You might say, Chif, where are you going? Nowhere for now, but you never know when a Fairy Godmother will listen to me and my requests. Hey a girl can always dream, although my dreams are just little fires here and there.

Haven't been feeling well these few days and I lie down for a nap. When I wake up only to see Jean Luc grooming himself.

Anyhoo, there's Paris in my horizon. I'll go again but not with the walker! I did take my cane the last time, so it's going again. This year is out, but I might come into some money within the next few years or so. We'll see.

43 days until the camp out. I can smell it all the way to the Hotel Carlyle.

30 March 2011

Birthday boy

Happy 80th Birthday to Leonard Nimoy, 26 March. He has written books, and other topics, but he is famous for his portrayal of Spock in the sci-fi series, Star Trek.

28 March 2011

An AIDSheimer Moment

I haven't done this in particular, but ya'll know what I'm talking about. So I called my meds to the pharmacy today. I was left on hold for quite some time.

Seems I had already called them in Saturday and my meds are waiting for me. Another AIDSheimer's moment. At least they make for a funny moment.

Chif out

27 March 2011

Ladies who Lunch

This was an unusual Sunday. I actually went out with someone other than my Pozze.

I've been trying to get my DVD of The Women from E. E and I go back to the Hyatt days. Did I every mention I worked at a hotel? Anyhooo, we actually found the time in our busy schedules to meet, I know the me working is laughable.

So we went to India Palace for their buffet. I had my usual mango lassi, and we went in for the kill. I'd been craving the food here and was a bit disappointed. Maybe they have a new chef. I will recommend this anyway.

Well we caught up on what was going in our lives, and I will not elaborate on anything. The thing is I was enjoying time with a friend from the infamous Hyatt. Talk about memories.

So that was it for E and me. He was wondering if there was an ice cream place in the area but he didn't find any. Just take me home moi said. I was out of my home for about 2 hours. I know, I could have been out longer, but I was out of my element for a bit. I'll do better next time. I've said it, it's out there. Besides we have to meet again to get my DVD back.

Chif out.

26 March 2011


For the past week or so, I've dealt with nausea and the Hershey squirts. So I was at group Monday and there were were 2 others in the same boat as mine. We talk about everything and nothing at the same time, and we do get updates of things going on in the community.

And another thing, why is everybody wanting to know if I shat or not? Maybe it's their fetish du jour? Okay, I've been constipated for at least 40 years or so. But ever since my tub experience, I've been very regular.

More later...
Chif out.

23 March 2011

Birthday Girl

Happy 64th Birthday to Glenn Close, 19 March. Over looked by Oscar for some reason, at least she's been recognized by being nominated.

22 March 2011

Meals on Wheels

Well this came out of nowhere. Too good to be true though. I got a call from the agency that put me on the list and gave me the news. Apparently I was approved for only 60 days, and my last day will be 1st April.

It was fun while it lasted. They were convenient meals, tasteless though, so I actually salted the meals and some kind of spicy for an extra kick.

Where I did miss cooking, I also got used to the meals. I'm gonna have to go back to cooking, and I then I'll miss the meals. No satisfying me.

Chif out.

20 March 2011

Regular Weekend

Nothing really happened this weekend. Went to the pharmacy and the library for DVDs. HP was here yesterday to surf the net.

I called E this weekend, he's a cherished friend from our Hyatt days. We caught up real quick. Then he mentioned that a supervisor at CITI who I found gorgeous based on his nose. Seems that he might be part of my country club. Don't know if it's a rumour or not, but I did tell E to give the guy my phone#, email address, etc.

Chif out.

18 March 2011

Not Well

For the past few weeks, I have not been feeling well. Don't know if it's the oak or whatever is in the air. Anyhoo, my tum is out of control. At least I have the marinol for nausea, marinol is made from marijuana.

I'm just afraid to bring this up to the doctor because then he'll run more tests, and I can barely afford the co-pay, but the PM will look at the bills and see if she can take it on.

Chif out.

17 March 2011

Nursing Update

Don't know if I blogged is, you know me and AIDSheimers, but Tuesday I was discharged from the visiting nurse. I got used to my nurse and we had a productive rapport between us.

We decided to go somewhere for lunch on Friday. I told her, just fudge some statistics and we'll go somewhere. I don't know if she'll have time between house visits.

Chif out.

16 March 2011

Birthday boy

Happy 40th Birthday to hunky Jon Hamm, 10 March. He's done a couple of movies and TV series. But he is great with his portrayal on AMC's Mad Men. Oh yeah, he has a schnozz and has made my blog Chez Schnozz. Gotta love the guy.

Chif Out.

15 March 2011

SAHA Part 2

Went to SAHA this afternoon to do whatever. I didn't know what to expect or what was the next hurdle. Anyhoo, I was called and sat in her cubicle, chick never introduce herself. She was entering data and told me that's it. What was it?

I've been approved for Section 8 housing!!! My monthly rent is lower now. They pay for the majority of my rent and I'm responsible for the difference. I feel fabulous about it all. The final hurdle will be the inspection which will be within the next 10 days or so.

Chif out.

14 March 2011


Finally. My background check came through today and they called to set an appointment with them. Think positive thoughts for me. I need all the help I can get. My appointment is tomorrow morning, so I might just come home and update my blog.

Also tomorrow, my nurse's supervisor will be coming to check my progress. I'm kinda tired of this nurse's visits. My wound is healed, I need to terminate these visits. I kinda think they're just sucking money from the insurance company. It's time to let go and put my wings to use.

Chif out.

13 March 2011


I'm between losing weight and getting better. I just do not have any jeans that fit me right now. I could find a pair now only to have it not useable later.

Winter garb is sweat pants and they're only for a few months. Then comes spring and fall, and I might need some jeans that fit better.What a dilemma.

A girls worst nightmare. And you know me, I will do something fabulous with my hair. I've been having great days for the past week. If only I can last to the camp out in May. I'm planning on looking gorgeous of course.

Joel will be with spirit as they want to vandalize our homes. It's so sad when we see this, just makes us down.

12 March 2011

Ladies who Lunch

Moi et Hush Puppy went out to lunch today. We went to the Mexican Manhattan. He was also gonna check email, but he never got to it because he misplaced his cell phone.

So we had lunch, typical Tex-Mex food. And we decided that he should go home and see if he could find his phone. Our visit was kept short as we prioritized finding his phone.

I just came home and attempted to take a nap. I was sitting there with the phone in my lap waiting his call. Of course he called just as I was nodding off. Turns out his phone was in his back pack all this while.

I told him at least it was a phone and not an award letter with all my information. I don't think I blogged it, but I lost my award letter on the bus when I went to see Dr J, my favourite psychiatrist.

Things could have been worse.

Chif out.

10 March 2011


I went to the clinic to get my lab results last week. Of course everything is always great, my t-cell count went down to 173, down from the previous count, 250. More weight loss.

I also got a script for a water pill and hopefully that will take care of my swollen feet. And the pill is working.

Chif out.

09 March 2011

Birthday Girl

Happy 61st Birthday to Iris Chacon. Iris is a singer, dancer, entertainer hailing from Puerto Rico. She even hosted a talk show and a couple of movies.

Chif out.

07 March 2011


OMG! I did something I haven't done in seven years! I'm almost sure that's French for grapefruit. Nothing like a grapefruit to make your day. I used to buy them in those bags and I'd make a production about peeling the fruit, seperating the sections and finally getting to meat of them after pulling the membranes.

As luck would have it, that's the one food diet we cannot have! They apparently cause the HIV meds to take a nose drive. At every luncheon or dinner we have, someone always asks about them. They're part of Texas and you can get them anywhere.

They were there for the picking. They were 3 for a dollar, so I was squeezing them and sniffing them and I just had to take them. I came home, put everything away and went through a ritual from way back. They were so delicious. I was in heaven for the day.

Chif out.

06 March 2011

Sunday W/Hush Puppy

HP came over after church to check his mail and surf away. We were hungry and the first thing was where to go. He decided to go vegetarian and sea food. I am a carnivore and must have meat, as well as main entrees. LOL.

I gave him three options, the Mercado, the deli, and Subways. He brought up the notion that the La Margarita and Mi Tierra might be busy from the church crowd.

That gave us Subways. The one down the street is closed on Sunday, but there is the one at Alamo Plaza that is open. We've been to it before and I liked the atmosphere better than the Houston St one.

As luck would have it, they were out of bread! We managed to order I guess with some hidden bread I guess. So we both were able to order. HP gets the tuna with some veggies. I did my usual roasted chicken. We ate half and saved the other half for dinner.

HP was in the moment and started singing clang clang clang Went the Trolly. We were surround by tourists and didn't know what to do with the fagelahs in back. Yes we were in the back and singing and laughing and enjoyment.

So we got home and he played with my pussoir until JL bit him. My baby is bi-polar and goes from sated to whining. He's such a character and I have to laugh at his shenanigans. He is the entertainment when people come over. I give him a saucer of cat nip and off he goes. He eats some cat nip and puts on a show for us. It's hysterical watching him transform from cat to kitten.

Chif out.


Once that bandage was gone, I was able to enjoy a full shower. When in my malaise, I had to manuever around both wounds. The elbow is starting to blend in with my skin. The back wound finally stopped draining and it's scabbed over and ready to flake away.

05 March 2011


I was gonna blog somethings, but I've already blogged them. Still waiting on SAHA. I call everyday to see if my background check has come in. The other thing is the neuropathy in my head. Funky feeling. I'm anxious about these and hope they will be resolved not too soon for me.

On the bright side, I'm having a great hair day. Still have meals to last me the weekend. I'm on top again for the time being. So far no problems. And the camp out is about 2 months away.

Nothing else going, Chif out.

03 March 2011

Section 8

So I got my voucher and some papers for my manager to fill out. I have been ready since last week. I think I have to make an appointment with someone before we can proceed. I have been calling everyday to check if they have received my background check.

I've been waiting anxiously to get this thing going. I'm hoping to get everything taken care of by April. Cross your fingers.

Chif out.

02 March 2011

Birthday boy

Happy 38th birthday to Peter Andre, on 27 February. Don't know much about him other than he's hot!