28 December 2009

Great News

Well, looks like I survived another holiday. Whoever decided to put all these holidays at the same time of year has a sadistic sense of humour. I managed to avoid all the movies and carols. It’s just another day of the year as far as I’m concerned.

Just got back from the doctor’s with some good news, apparently my new cocktail is working because my t-cell count went up. Before Mess says anything, I don’t mean that kind of cocktail, although I could always use a good Hush Puppy. While it’s not much to some of us, my t-cell count is now 150. I’m also still undetectable.

Also great news is everything else is okay, my liver, blood pressure, I even lost some weight. Guess I can pat myself on the back. I’m obviously doing something right. An overall great doctor’s visit except I forgot to get my H1N1 flu shot but I can always get that another day.

23 December 2009

Catching Up

Lately each day has been the same, there is no difference between Sunday and Wednesday. I did have my blood drawn one day and I saw my analyst another day. I really didn’t have much to talk about since I’ve been avoiding the holidays plus the fact that I’m sitting on some potential great news and I’ll blog that when it happens.

Hush Puppy rented a car over the weekend to do some last minute shopping. Since he got t-boned in June he’s been on the bus as well. He came by and picked me up Saturday for dinner. We went to Chopstix for the Chinese buffet. Then we went to his place where we each had a Hush Puppy. It was a nice break in my routine and I got to visit with my cherished friend.

Against my better judgment, I went to Sunday group. Ringo went out of his way and ordered food from Luby’s and I didn’t want to disappoint him. Everything was okay but they decided to have a gift exchange and that threw me off. Chiflado is not one for gifts, especially when they are forced on him.

I did renew my lease yesterday and my rent went up $10 which is okay considering the location and the fact that all utilities are paid. And here we are, days away from one of the dreaded days of the year.

Hopefully the new year will be better for Chiflado.

18 December 2009

Nothing going on

Sorry I haven’t blogged anything lately. There’s just nothing going on. My life is on auto pilot and everything else is on auto also.

I did go see my analyst Wednesday, but I’ve been in such a good mood it was almost a waste of time. Still talking about my sister’s death. Alright, it’s 22 years, let it go, I know. Easier said than done.

Just spoke to Mess and he’s the one that told me I haven’t updated my blog. Guess no news is good news. Hush Puppy invited us to dinner tomorrow night, but Mess has plans with his sister. I’ll see him Sunday at group.

I’ve been lucky in avoiding the holiday farce. I have received some cards but who cares? Just another day I say to myself. And it’s that attitude that’s been helping me out. The dreaded day is a week away it just sneaks up on one, and then it’s a whole new year, another year of auto pilot.

12 December 2009

Beating the Blues

Doncha just hate this time of year? It’s a depressing time of year to begin with and then Hallmark throws in all these special days. I wonder if they have an Our Lady of Guadalupe card?

And the weather certainly hasn’t helped much. Okay it’s not as bad as Michigan and I don’t have to shovel snow, but it’s been steadily cooler than average. Today is a dreary day so far and I got my errands out of the way early. Like I have such a busy schedule.

For some reason, I have been winning the battle against the blues. Luckily I haven’t heard a single carol as of yet, the closest I’ve gotten is Greensleeves or The Dance of the Flowers on my Parisian jazz station.

I refuse to focus on the holidays and I guess I’m on a good combination of drugs that’s keeping the beast at bay. It’s just another day I keep telling myself.

08 December 2009

The Alameda

Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 P.M.
Location: the Museo Alameda
Proyectos Gallery
101 S. Santa Rosa, San Antonio TX 78215

06 December 2009

Alex Sanchez

I just finished reading the latest Alex Sanchez novel, Bait. Alex Sanchez is a gay author out of Mexico who’s written books for young adults based on gay themes. He has even won a Lambda Award for one of his books.

I did enjoy the Rainbow Boys trilogy and recommend them but they do have to be read in order. He’s also written books about coming out and being gay and Christian and some of his books contain gay resources for teens.

For more info: http://www.alexsanchez.com/

04 December 2009

Tortilla Soup

Thursday was a busy day for me. I went to the pharmacy and the library. I had to pick up the next Percy Jackson book for Purple 13, I got her hooked on the series. They’re really a fun read and the movie comes out in February, we saw the trailer when we went last week to see New Moon.

I was gonna take her the book, she works walking distance from me, but she suggested lunch and I’m not one to turn down a free meal. She was in the mood for tortilla soup and Blanco CafĂ© has one of the best in town. She also had cawfee and I had to smell her cup.

I had the green enchiladas and she said I’m so predictable. Hey everything at Blanco is great and I happen to like green eggs and ham and I would eat them in a box and I would eat them with a fox…

02 December 2009

Mental Health Day

I don’t think this has ever happened to me. I had appointments with my psychiatrist and my analyst today.

Still talking about depression and suicide. Also brought up my sister’s death that I cannot let go of. I don’t know what she would think of my mourning. She was so vivacious and full of life and I remember laughing a lot with her. So I honour her by laughing is one thing I got out of today.

The other thing is quite the Mexican thing, I have a votive candle lit every day in her memory. And it’s the same kind of candle she used to light in her home. Of course I go to the cemetery periodically to visit and talk and clear my head.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, my zipper broke on my jacket so I’m gonna have to get a new one. If it’s not one thing it’s another.