31 October 2014

Knee Update

Still having knee problems. I hate it. I should go to the emergency room but I'm just lazy. Mike says I should call a cab, but I'd hate to pay for a short trip. I might be able to hop on the trolley, but I'm afraid I'll fall.

Tony's coming over and taking me on some errands. Got to go to the library, pick up my bus pass, and get some groceries. I'm also going to take him to lunch as a thank you. I know, I'm so nice.

Chiflaco out.

29 October 2014

Bathroom Problems

This is week two that I've had bathroom problems. My tummy has been upset and I've been spending a lot of time on my throne.

I should go to the doctor's but I can't right now. At least my body is flushing itself out. I'm not complaining. I just have to be near the bathroom.

Chiflaco out.


Something happened to my left knee Monday. I was sitting at the computer and when I got up, it didn't. I'm in a lot of pain and my knee is swollen.

Go to the doctor. I can barely make it out of bed let alone schlep out of the building and take the trolley to the clinic. I am taking the ibuprofen and it's not really working.

I have a lot to do. At least I have some groceries for the next few days or so. And I have to do labs tomorrow but I think I'll cancel. And then I have to go pick up my bus pass tomorrow. Don't know how I will make it. To top it off, I'm almost out of sangria! LOL.

More later...

PS. At least someone has food, water, and litter. Poor baby I can't even pet him. He knows I still love him.

21 October 2014

Shoulder Update

I seem to have my shoulder pain under control. I did have an x-ray taken  and it looks like arthritis but I can't pursue this until next year when my insurance kicks in. My doctor is not available in HMO but is on PPO. So I just signed up for it and I should be able to find out more in January.

For now I am taking 800 mg ibuprofen twice a day. I take it at lunch and at bedtime and it is helping. What's helping also is working is the Ben-Gay. I rub some on in the evenings and it seems to be working. Not to mention Jean-Luc loves it. It drives him crazy like catnip.

Speaking of Jean-Luc, I've been thinking of giving him a sibling. I have been checking on Craigslist for another Siamese. But I will wait until I renew my lease to do that.

Chiflaco out.

17 October 2014


For some strange reason I've been cold a lot recently. I blogged  about this before I think. Don't know why I'm cold. Don't know if it's age or AIDS.

I do have my a/c on. Otherwise I'd be sweating up a storm. I guess it's better that I shiver than sweat. I hope it's temporary. I much prefer the cool weather.

Guess I'll just have to fess up to it and deal with the situation. I'll just keep the a/c on and sit around with a jacket or a blankie.

Chiflaco out.

Sleeping Beauty

I've been sleeping a lot lately. I've been sleeping like ten hours a night and have a two hour nap sometimes. I owe it to the booze.

I'm still drinking a lot. No, I'm not an alcoholic, I just love my booze. I do hard liquor around lunchtime and have a great nap. And I drink wine at night to help me go to sleep.

I am concerned about this but what can I do? I'm drinking vodka strait as I write this. Really hits home and I'm almost ready for my daily nap.

Wish I could stop.

Chiflaco out.

Laughing Gas

I went to the dentist yesterday. Dr. Riley is quite the hottie. He's got gorgeous blue eyes and a smile from here to tomorrow.

I got my teeth x-rayed and cleaned. I have some loose teeth that will eventually have to be extracted. That means an upper partial. I'm just falling apart. I should just go to dentures and get it over with.

Everybody at New Heights Dental is great and I highly recommend them. Not only for Dr. Riley but for great teeth. I have to go in three months for another cleaning and see how my teeth are doing. I have to decide to yank them out or not. We shall see.

Chiflaco out.

12 October 2014

THE Birthday Boy

Happy 56th Birthday to Chiflaco! Here I is at the Chinese Buffet the family goes to. Damn I look old!

Birthday Boy

Happy 46th Birthday to the hottie from Down Under, Hugh Jackman. Honey, I'd love to go down under with him!

09 October 2014

Eating Out

I had lunch with Mike and Tony yesterday. Invitation came out of the blue. Of course I was happy to oblige. We went to Chinese Buffet and pigged out. It was great seeing them. Poor Tony got unceremoniously let go at work a few weeks ago. I hope he finds a job soon.

Tonight I went to the Spaghetti Warehouse with Doug. Centro had a dinner and I signed us up. I had the grilled chicken Caesar salad. I was the only one that had a salad. I've been craving one for some time now.

Nothing much going on. Just another day in paradise.

Chiflaco out.

03 October 2014

Digital Photography

Don't think I told you. I'm taking a digital photography class at the Southwest Craft Center. I was in photoshop in high school so I know a lot of the ins and outs. Problem is how to translate that knowledge into digital.

I thought my first photos were good but then I saw what the others turned in and I felt mediocre. Next we're doing things with a tripod and I went in search of one today. I can't believe I didn't find one at Wal-Mart. Guess I'll try another one tomorrow.

Today wore me out. I went to get my x-ray taken and that was a good hour. Then I took the bus downtown to transfer to another one. That was another two hours. I'm exhausted.

I went by Bill Miller's for sustenance and I schlepped on home. I'm just taking it easy for the rest of the night. I'll try again tomorrow.

Chiflaco out.

02 October 2014

Winter Coat

I'm in the market for a winter coat. All my coats don't fit anymore. I've lost so much weight they just hang on me.

So I went to Burlington's since they have such a big variety. And I found nothing. I even went to Ross and nothing. Guess I'll have to try Macy's or something at the mall.

I didn't know losing weight would bring so many problems. Maybe I should gain all the weight back! JK

Chiflaco out.

01 October 2014

Dr's Visit

Went to get my lab results yesterday. My t-cell count went down again and my viral load went from zero to 376. That's not good people. But then again, I did skip my meds for a few weeks.

Also got my flu shot so I'm protected this season. I also mentioned my right shoulder. He said I was bony! That's a first, me, bony?! I took it as a compliment. He said it might be arthritis or my shoulder could be dislocated. I have to go get it x-rayed.

Got to see my nutritionist. Yeah, I've gained weight, but then I've seen a lot of my co-horts and they've all gained weight. I really should start exercising but I'm just too lazy. I am eating less which she didn't like. I'm just not hungry.

Chiflaco out.