27 April 2011

Birthday Boy

Happy 32nd Birthday to James MacAvoy, 20 April. Hot actor from Great Britain. And he has a schnozz to satisfy me.

Chif out.

16 days to the camp out.

26 April 2011

Barber Shop

I woke up with bad hair and decided to get coiffed. I use the Gunther Hotel's barber shop, it was a great experience for me.

When I walked in, my barber greeted me with my name and he was just finishing off a hot silver haired babe.

When it was my turn, D the barber said I was looking better than the last time he saw me. Wow. A strait man complementing a gay man, I was impressed.

Anyhooo, he knew what I wanted and got to work. I was very satisfied with him again. I do want to get a shave one day, I can't shave at home because of the tremors. My hands are fine, but as soon as I put a fork or spoon or a pen, my hands start up again.

But I will recommend the Barber Shop at the Gunther Hotel and ask for Dave.

Chif out

17 days until the Camp out.

23 April 2011


HP lent me a book I would be interested in. The book was sitting there for months. I finally decided to read it and it was a laugh riot.

'At Least in the City Someone would hear me scream.' is the book in question. Author Wade Rouse decides to leave the big city and leaves the comforts of St Louis and with his partner move to the woods of western Michigan.

Of course this struck a home because years ago I moved to MI to live happily ever after. Yeah, right. Anyhoooo, this is a quick read and highly recommended by Chif..

Chif out.

20 days until the camp out.

22 April 2011

Radio Shack

I woke up exhausted from all the schlepping I did yesterday. I hardly remember the ordeal of busing. The bright side was Whataburger, I was still tired but the fizz in the soda perked me up a little.

So I walked into Radio Shack and finally with some help from hunky worker Vhon. They didn't have the exact cable but he found a chord that is close to what I had. Success finally.

I came home exhausted even more with the heat. I took some aspirin and lay down to nap but I was still in adrenaline mode and was not able to sleep.

Chif out.

21 days until the camp out.

21 April 2011


Talk about tired out. Jean Luc thought my computer cables are for biting.
He's gone through three cables, but he thought they were for his benefit.

Today after lunch I went to the Office Depot at Crossroads. Stupid moi thought that as soon as I find the correct aisle I would find the cables. Of course moi didn't take them and I can ask the hunky worker there. He showed me what was in stock and I did not see the elusive cables. Why don't you bring in the cables and we could see if they were in stock.

So I trudged back home to take the cables. Of course they didn't have them in stock. So there I was waiting for a bus to take me back home. And then, I saw the 520 bus come in and I knew this one would go all the way to Military drive.

Of course Office Depot and Best Buy didn't have them in stock. One of the hunky guys suggested I try Radio Shack. So that's where I will try tomorrow.

Chif out

22 days until the camp out.

20 April 2011

Birthday Boy

Happy 38th Birthday to my Boo Adrien Brody, 11 April. He's hot and has a schnozz that makes me purr.

Chif out.

23 days until the camp out.

19 April 2011


Forgot to blog about this, but last Thursday I went and got my seventh tattoo. Love it. It's true when people say they're addictive. I've decided on the eighth one but I have to lose a few more pounds.

Great recommendation for Honest Charlie's Tattoos on Fredericksberg in the deco district. Ask for Cat or Robert. Phone: 210.737.0656.

Chif out.

24 days until the camp out.

15 April 2011


We have been taking a lot of naps lately. Like I'd be tired from working, yeah right. Don't know if it's the depression trying to come back, I don't know. You know, sometimes I reminisce about me working and not getting enough sleep. But now?

Of course I have my roommate with me, he needs to know what's going on in my domain. And he does sleep with me. Guess I'm slowly turning into a cat.

28 days until the camp out.

13 April 2011

Hump Wednesday

Okay, so it's almost over but it still is Hump Day. I actually left the comforts of home and went the North Star Mall to do some bank transactions. I got my money but then my new debit card wouldn't accept me.

I was waiting for the clerk to come buy when another clerk asked if he could help me. Boy did he! I got that out of the way. I had no idea how many times I use my debit cart. I lost my card last week, AIDSheimer's, and the guy at the call center got all my info and my card would get to me within 5 working days.

That was my day. I was done and exhausted and came home to lie down. And how was your day?

Chif out.

30 days until the camp out.

12 April 2011

SAHA Inspection

This was no trouble for me. I thought he was gonna do a thourough inspection. Honey, I can do an inspection from my days at the Hyatt. No, this guy just checked the stove and oven and fringe, and made sure I had hot/cold running water. Now he's gonna go to SAHA where somebody will figure out my share of the rent.

He was in and out in less than five minutes. Sounds like one of my exes'!

31 days until the camp out.

POZ Posse

Please forgive me for skipping a few days. HP came buy to surf the net and whatnot. We went to Subways where we both ordered subs, duh, and ate half there and we brought the other half for dinner. Oh yeah, we printed out our forms for the camp out.

Yesterday, Mess came by after an appointment at the clinic and we went to HEB on Olmos Dr. I got all the heavy stuff that I used to bring on the bus one at a time, Jean Luc's food and litter just to name a few.

31 days to the camp out.

08 April 2011


It is Friday, isn't it? Just another meaningless day for me. The one thing I did differently was to take some stuff to the Goodwill. I need to purge as much as possible. I have no use for some of my mess. I was able to stroll over with my walker. I had a big bag full of clothes and two smaller bags with more clothes and some glass chingaderas to unload.

I came home to find the mailman was here early and I got my Netflix for the weekend. Really bad movie, Burlesque with Cher and Christina Aguilera and some interesting cameos. Don't bother with this unless you're a fan of Cher and/or Christina.

35 Days to the camp out.

07 April 2011


I'm still a bit moody. I have had other days like this, so I'm used to it. I've been lying down every afternoon in the fetal position. It's like I'm fighting some inner demon and I don't want to lose.

Jean Luc has been concerned about me. When I'm lying down he comes looking for me and meows at me. And then he touches me and after he knows I'm there, he lies down next to me, and he'll fall asleep or he starts grooming himself.

Don't know what I'm depressed about, but that has been me for the past few weeks. It's just nice to lie down and not think of anything. I can handle that. We'll see how long this lasts.

Chif out

36 days until the camp out.

06 April 2011

Birthday Boy

Happy 40th Birthday to Ewan MacGregor, 31 March. He's quite the hunk, this picture makes me get him in the shower and clean him up. He can thank me anyway he wants.

37 Days until the camp out.

03 April 2011

Ladies who Lunch

Mess, Hush Puppy, and moi went to Luther's today. It's always nice to see each other and catch up with these two. Luther's is a quiet bistro on the Main drag and I didn't see any people in drag.

We also began to talk seriously about the camp out. HP will be picking my up @ 9,30 and then Mess. HP generously rents a car and we head on up to the camp site, don't ask me how far away it is.

We keep talking about karaoke and what song to sing as a trio. I'm ready for my close up Mr DeMille. Hell I took to the stage last time and it was quite a fun time. Mess and I performed, but HP was a little hesitant. Too bad, his loss.

40 days until the camp out.