22 January 2012

Marcel Proust

Spent another day in bed. I'm trying to control this. I just wish it would stop and leave me alone.

Sometimes there are periods where things seem worst than they are, I'm there right now. I have to ride it out. Yes I'm on meds and they work sometimes and often, but I'm still where I started earlier.

Some people call it depression and some say it's me going through the change. Yeah, right. I just call it normal. I've been normal for over 40 years. I actually remember depression as a child. Of course it took me years to figure out, but when I was finally diagnosed, it all fell into place. The light bulb went on all of a sudden.

I could have done so much more had I this knowledge. Today was spent in bed all day again. I had three naps today. I swear I'm turning into a Jean Luc. If I could lick my privates then I would say I was feline.

But I'm just me, Chiflado. All my friends now know me as Chiflado. And Honey, I am Chiflado with a capital C. A lot of people have said plain out that I just need a good fuck. Sad to say I never walked up to anybody and asked for a dance, a light, something. But I prefer it when they come up and talk to them and see where it goes.

Chiffie out.

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