29 November 2012

Paul Rudd

Just a photo of Paul I like. He looks hot in this photo. No reason, guess I wanted to  liven up my blog.

24 November 2012

New Med

Today I started my new med. It's four meds in one tablet. I will have less pills to take. Wahoo! I am taking 4 pills away from my usual. Yes I am glad.

I did have to override this pill. I had a bottle before, but Lupe hid it. I just have to move everything to see if it's there.

Chiffie out.

22 November 2012


So this is another holiday to avoid. I had my morning pot of cawfee. Then I took my fat ass to a movie. Don't even remember the last time I ventured out.

I saw the final installment of the The Twilight saga. Of course I read the books and they were phenomenal. I was not let down but I still felt the books were better.

Then I came home to my holiday meal. I bought a steak that marinated all night long. It was too good and actually ate the whole thing. I had wanted to save some for Friday.

That's it. Come and gone. Just another Thursday. I will repeat the same all over again. This is my usual holiday meal.

Chiffie out.

20 November 2012


This is very strange. I was gonna write about my weight loss and other stuff. Problem is that this was written earlier. Wonder if Lupe's up to his old tricks.

I just went yesterday to the clinic. Everything in the previous blog and everything was accurate. Jeanne is very concerned about me. I'm just excited. 40 lbs is very true, but I want more...and I'm gonna do it.

Why don't I work out at the Y? Because I fall a lot and I might hurt myself. I'll see about some other places to work out.

I guess I'm done with this blog and try to get hold of Lupe.

Chiffie out

11 November 2012

Chiflado Update

So here I am. D&B say I don't need the gastric surgery. I do like what I see in the mirror. So I cancelled the surgery.

So I have lost some weight. Jeanne our nutritionist,is concerned because I lost 40 lbs since our last appointment. I'm okay with it, I want some more weight down the drain.

Chiflado has been in bed not wanting to be seen.
The weight is okay with it. Problem is, my clothes fit real loose. It's embarrassing because my clothes do not fit. There I'll be and when I least expect it, my shorts or jeans creep down, showing a side of Chiflado normaly see by lucky gentlemen callers . That's a treat if ever there was nothing.

I have found some jeans at Wal-Mart of all places that fit me. Same for my tighty whitise current undies do not fit either and tend to roll down. Just now I took some trash out and they rolled down. I looked and no one saw this one.

I finally found some at Wal-Mart that fit but they usually come in different colours. I want all black undies and they're usually in a package, but all I get stuck with are all the multi-coloured chones.

So, I'm okay with the colours, like I have a choice. Also found some at Target, and black, but I have no say in this. So Chiflado is content for the time being.

Chiffie out.

01 November 2012

Dr's Visit

Yesterday I went to the doctor's to get my test results. I have 104 t-cell count, but I'm still undetectable, that's the news.

I don't know why my CD-4 keeps slowly disappearing. I'm doing the same things as before, I haven't change anything.

This on top of my depression. What next? I'm sick and tired it just drops away.

I've been battling depression as it is. I felt it coming and here it is. I'm dealing with one bad set of news and here comes another. And you wonder why I am like this. I'm sick and tired of everything, t-cells and all my meds. I just want to take all my meds and call it a night.

But I continue, I'm the cockroach that keeps coming. I just want it to end. I tell my nurse and she asked if I had a plan, so many people do and I'm one of them.

Sometimes I think okay and then I get some news that bring me down and I can swallow all the pills I have and abort me out of my life.

Don't worry.

Chiffie out.