27 September 2014


That's Spanish for pig. And I pigged out this week.

Sunday I went to lunch with Mike. We went to Jim's to check out the after-the-club crowd. We then went to go see This is Where I Leave You. The story of a dysfunctional family who gets together to sit shivah for the father. Funny!

Wednesday I went to Luby's with Doug. My clinic gives information dinners about AIDS topics. They talked about hepatitis C. Doug also brought me some cherry cobbler and apple crisp. They were delicious with coffee for breakfast.

Friday I went to a luncheon with Doug again. This was sponsored by the People's Caucus. They are a group of infected  and affected people with AIDS who set rules for social services for us. It was at a Tex-Mex restaurant I would not recommend but it was free food.

Today I did the family thing. Barbara and Jerry celebrated 21 years of marriage and Debra took us out to lunch. We went to the usual buffet where we pigged out. It's a Chinese buffet but I had American food. Go figure.

I'm exhausted! I normally have quiet weeks but this week was different. It's always great seeing my support system. I am truly blessed with my friends and family. Don't know what I'd do without them.

Chiflaco out.

25 September 2014


Don't know if it's age or AIDS, but I've been cold for the past month or so. I love the cold and have been looking forward to fall and winter. I even learned how to knot my scarf in the fashionable way.

But I'm cold. I've actually been shivering. I wonder how I'm gonna react to the cold weather. Not that it gets cold here like in Michigan.

But for some reason I feel the cold more here then there. I owe it to the fact that it gets cold suddenly here. In Michigan it was cold for months and I didn't feel the cold that much. I was actually in short sleeves in winter. Here I'm in sweaters and long sleeves.

I know AIDS patients are delicate when it comes to temperatures. I hope that's not the case with me. I do so enjoy the cool weather. I'm kinda scared this time.

Chiflaco out.

Ben Gay Catnip!?!?!?

About three years ago, I woke up with a sharp pain in my right shoulder. It's been with me ever since. It actually dissipated for a bit but it just came back with a vengeance.

I got some Ben Gay and massage it into my shoulder as best I can. I really need somebody to work it in, hint, hint, anyone.

So I put it on and sit down. Jean-Luc went crazy with it. He climbed up on my chest and started nuzzling on my shoulder. He started purring and gyrating all over me. He usually does that when I give him catnip.

Guess there's catnip in Ben Gay. Who knew?

Chiflaco out.

18 September 2014

Quiet Week

Nothing much going on. I did go to the clinic the other day for labs and to talk to my therapist. I did bring up the drinking problem. That was my main concern and took up the bulk of my visit.

I'm watching Ken Burns' The Roosevelts on PBS. A look into Teddy, Eleanor, and Franklin's lives. Very good. I'm mesmerized by the series. Brought a lot of insight into them. We never really studied Teddy but he was a Renaissance man. He was quite a character.

One thing interesting that came out is that both Teddy and FDR suffered from depression. Also, Eleanor was not that great a mother. I always thought she was because of her altruism. But that was not the case.

I feel old watching this series. Only older people would appreciate this. I don't think I would have watched anything like this thirty years ago. Makes me want to go back to school again.

Chiflaco out.

10 September 2014

Matthew's Luncheon

Got together with the family this weekend. It was Matthew's 17th birthday. I still remember when Barbara told us she was pregnant. And I knew all along that it was gonna be a boy.

01 September 2014

Tremors-They're B-A-A-A-C-K!!!

Ten years ago I had shingles and this led to my HIV+ status. I had them up and down my right arm. The bad part was that I was unable to eat with my right arm but I liked it because I lost weight.

I had a severe case of tremors. My right arm has just never recovered. My penmanship is horrendous and I can't hold a fork for the life of me.

I've had them for ten years and they have gotten better. But for some reason, they're back. I was at lunch with Doug the other day and he noticed me shaking. Doug is an older man I've talked about before. I call him my Silver Daddy.

So here I am shaking again. It could be the DTs since I've been drinking a lot lately. Don't know why, I just am. Mike asked if I'm depressed but I don't know. I just know that I'm drinking a lot. And not just my usual nightly glass of wine. I've been hitting the hard liquor. We're talking tequila and vodka. I just can't get enough.

I've gotten used to drinking in the late mornings and taking a nap afterwards. It's relaxing but it's still a problem. No I'm not alcoholic, I just love my booze. I'm in a daze most of the time because of it.

I wish I could stop but I can't. I won't. What's the use? Why stop drinking if it doesn't hurt me? It is hurting my pocket book, but I'm still able to function okay.

Fact is the tremors are back. They are annoying. I can't eat or write and keyboarding is a problem. I'm making due.

Chiflaco out.