31 January 2011

Good News/Bad News

My nurse was in here today and when I took off the bandage, the scab came of also. This is a major step for Chif, we're still working on the back wound which has stopped draining and a scab is starting.

Bad news dept: my neuropathy has spread to my head now. Both feet have it, first the left foot and then the right foot. At least I have this version rather than the painful kind. It's a funky feeling numbness kinda like when your foot falls asleep. I don't think there is a prescription for this one, I just gotta get used to it.

Chif out.

29 January 2011

Poison Oaks

The highlight of my week was attending the gala premier of Mess's spoof of Grey Gardens. It is kinda difficult to review this because we're friends. But I will say this was hilarious and the audience laughed in the right places. For your enjoyment, here is the trailer of Poison Oaks, a fictional but true story.


Chif out.

23 January 2011

Lazy Sunday

What a wasted day. I woke up ready for a nap. I had my morning cawfee then took an hour nap. I heated up my lunch from Meals on Wheels, and then took a 6 hour nap!

Is it the depression knocking at my door or was I just blue. It was another blah day for me. And I'm ready for bed, so for now,

Chif out

22 January 2011


I am so exhausted. I had an appointment with Dr D. and I have a cooperate
just knife in case. I actually have some just in case.

I do have a great doctor in Dr M. He listens to what one is staying.Moi is very sleepy.
More later.
Chif out

Saturday w/HP

HP came over to use my computer. We actually met outside Blanco Cafe where we ate and visited.

We came home and he got on it and I actually committed to a DVD. I'm on the last season of Ally McBeal. There were plot lines that caught HP's attention and he would come over and watch some of the episodes. I'm getting ready for the next episodes.

HP has seen the series but he still left the computer to watch something that caught his attention. B recommends it also because of how they break out to sing. I was working when it came out and I had no time to turn on the TV.

20 January 2011

Ladies who Lunch

I hooked up with Purple 13 today. She says I'm looking good compared to the last time we saw each other. She too says I looked like I was stoned. I can't believe nobody said anything probably because nobody wanted to hurt my feelings.

We lunched at Blanco Cafe. We're always in the mood for Mexican, I'll take one if I can find one worthy. We had a nice visit. She asked about Mess and Hush Puppy, and says I was lucky to have friends like Mess and HP.

Then I went to the library and the pharmacy and came hope exhausted and wound taking a quick nap. Being sick takes it's toll on me. As busy as I was I had to go to the library to pick some DVD, that I probability wont get to see.

Chiflaco out

19 January 2011

Meals on Wheels

Like I wrote yesterday, I have been approved for the Meals on Wheels program. I actually got two meals. One was warm and ready to eat and the other is a frozen entree also that I can defrost and nuke when I'm ready.

So far, this year has been better than last year. Okay it is the first month of the year, I'm just a half glass full kinda gal.

Chif out

Birthday Girl

Happy 89th birthday to Golden Girl Betty White, 17 January. We have been lucky to have her in our lives all these years. Gotta love this pic.

18 January 2011

Busy Tuesday

I am so exhausted. Went to get lab results with Dr M, and my Tcell count is at 153 and I'm still undetectable. I also got my pneumonia shot. I also got a new med for high blood pressure, don't know if my blood pressure is good or it's the med working.

Mess was an absolute angel and took me to the store also. I doubled up on groceries in case I run out of them by next week. So I'm a happy camper for now.

Good news when I got home. I've been approved for Meals on Wheels starting tomorrow. My case manager and the nutritionist at my clinic and I got on the same page with this one. Chiflado is very lucky to have these people helping me out.

I have some more good news, but I forgot what it was. Just another AIDSheimers moment. If I remember what it was I'll blog it when I remember.

Chif out.

17 January 2011

Murky Monday

Wow. This morning was murky, the fog was horrible. I looked out the window and saw nothing but fog. It was like a cloud was sitting on the city. And then, when you expected the worst, it cleared up and we could see blue sky once more.

My nurse came in to change my dressing and it might have been her last day. That's all my insurance would pay for. I see Dr M tomorrow and see if he decides to order more visits.

The rest of the day was blah for me. I'm running on empty grocery wise. Mess did offer to take me to the store tomorrow, we just need to coordinate with each other.

Tomorrow I get to see Dr M and get my lab results besides checking my wound. The wound on my elbow is ready to scab over. My other wound definitely needs more time to heal.

Chif out

16 January 2011

Lazy Sunday

It's still wet and cool outside. I tell JL that he's lucky to be indoors especially in this nasty weather.

Yes I ventured out today. We were supposed to get together, but Mess wasn't feeling well. I almost talked myself into going out with HP, but I changed my mind.

I decided to get a burger or pizza, but I wound up at Fuddrucker's instead. The burger won over the pizza only because it's cheaper than a Domino's pizza. So there I went with my walker, still having difficulty getting on or off wherever we roam. Kinda nice how people treat me the disabled person on the trolley.

I did have dizzy spells and a little vertigo. I almost lost my balance several times. I should also report that I saw this hot guy with an equally hot nose.
I like to build my burger just the way I like it.

So I'm sitting there looking at the tourists deal with the weather. They're the ones wearing shorts in this cool weather. This weather reminds me of Michigan with all the snow. It's pretty the first day, but an annoyance after the snow plows came by and turned it ugly. At least I don't have to shovel snow anymore.

Chif out

15 January 2011

Wet Saturday

Today was just a continuation of yesterday, cold and wet. It was a day I woke up ready for a nap.

I did venture out today though. I usually like to treat myself to breakfast or lunch at Blanco Cafe. The waitresses know me and kinda know what I'll be having. Purple 13 says that I'm a creature of habit and she knows what I'll order also. I like to throw a wrench and order something different.

There was a slight drizzle as I left the building. Yes I used the walker and I did not fall down. I used to walk with long strides and now I take baby steps so I won't fall down. So far so good.

I didn't bother to turn on the computer until now. I usually don't get emails on the weekend anyway. I think I took a nap sometime today. I look at the clock and notice that I lost track of what I did, so I guess I did nap. It is perfect weather for staying indoors and do nothing.

Just got off the phone with HP and we have not heard from Mess. We're supposed to get together sometime tomorrow. We're gonna have a late lunch or early dinner.

Chif out.

14 January 2011

Dreary Friday

It's another day of cold and wet weather. Perfect to stay indoors, like I need an excuse. There's nothing I have to do today. I did call L to get on her list for next month's bus pass. And I'm waiting for my nurse to come in and change my dressing. When will that end? I'm not one to wait on anything, drives me nuts sometimes.

There are days when I have to go out, or just to get out of the apartment. But as soon as I go out, I can hardly wait to come back home. Like I should go to the store today, but I'm afraid I'll fall again. I'd be very limited because I would have to go out with my cane or walker. But I have today's weather to keep me from going out.

I'll just have to wait and see how the rest of the day pans out. So for now,

Chif out.

13 January 2011


I forgot to mention that Sunday was our first anniversary together. That's moi and Jean Luc. It was a nice day with lotsa love. I remind him how grateful he should be an inside cat and not out on some cold days like this past week.

We love each other and we both purr at each other every chance we get. And they said it wouldn't last.

12 January 2011

Birthday Girl

The birthdays have gotten out of control. I've decided to blog one a week on Wednesdays.

Happy 74 the Birthday to Dame Shirley Bassey, 8 January. She has an incredible voice and has some James Bond theme songs under her belt.

11 January 2011


I've been in a moody state of mind. I think it's the depression making an appearance. I have no energy to do anything and it's difficult for me to focus on anything. I literally sit all day and do nothing.

One would say it's the weather, which is staying on the covers kinda day. We are in the midst of an Arctic blast. That would explain this week but I've been moody for a while, even before my tub experience. I'm tired of being on auto pilot and pretending I'm okay.

I wish I had more to report, so for now...

Chif out.

10 January 2011

Monday News

The elevator was out of order this morning. Not that I was going anywhere, but my poor nurse had to climb the stairs to my Crystal Palace. I checked the elevator before she left hoping she wouldn't have to use the stairs again. It was still out of order.

Next I was waiting for someone from the State that would give me a provider. A provider is someone who would do some light chores, and help one bathe if needed. I don't think I'll get one judging on the questions asked. When he called he said it would take 45 minutes for his assessment, and this guy was here at least 5 minutes tops. At least the elevator was working when he visited me.

Went to group even though it was cold. I had to talk to L about some co-pays. This agency helps out with co-pays. And hon, I need help. I'm just getting statements from my hospital stays. I am so grateful for L's agency, she has helped out with co-pays before and she also pays for my yearly visit to the optometrist and new glasses if necessary.

For some reason I am exhausted and ready for bed.

Chif out

09 January 2011

Santa Rosa

The Chif saga continues...remember it's all about me!

I kinda wish I had something to write about my stay at the Santa Rosa hospital. I remember seeing D&B in some room I guess near the ER. I do remember seeing a nurse dressed up like a tiger and I realized it was Halloween.

I was in a morphine induced haze and I didn't know what was going on. I had to get bits and pieces from everyone that visited me. I don't know how long I was on morphine, maybe my whole stay, who knows. I keep hearing what I did and said from everybody, and there were some interesting stories that came out of my mouth.

I do remember somebody saying I was gonna be transfered to another hospital with physical therapists. I basically had to learn how to walk again. But that's another posting. For now,

Chif out.

08 January 2011

A Visit w/HP

HP's computer is on the blink and he wanted to go to the library to use their computers. I talked him out of that and he'd be welcome to use my computer.

We visited for a bit before he got on the computer. JL went up to him and demanded attention. Here was another lap for him to get comfy in. HP got on the computer while I checked what was on TV. One would think I should watch one of my DVD's, but I wasn't in the mood which is why I wound up watching PBS's cooking shows.

HP and I visited some more after he surfed the web. JL was on his lap when he almost bit HP. I wonder if cats have teething episodes like children do.

It's always nice to have company, but it's sometimes to short time together. And just like that, our visit came to an end and HP left to catch the next bus home.

Chif out.

07 January 2011

An Outing

I was thinking how I would be able to go to the store. It would be impossible with a cane or my walker.

Mess called me today to see I needed to go to the store. Talk about the same wave length. Hon, I'm there.

He was hungry so we went to China Harbor for their buffet. He decided last month to eat vegetarian. That means no meat or chicken, but he's eating fish. I'm a carnivore so I need meat. There was something for both of us at the buffet.

After pigging out, we went to HEB in the so called Deco District. I had my list ready and got everything on my list. He also picked up some items he needed.

And I'm grateful to get my groceries and of course I'm grateful for Mess to have invited me out.

Chif out.

06 January 2011


I got my walker last night. Now I can get some of my independence and confidence back.

I broke it in today. I had lab work and then I went to the library and pharmacy. It's gonna take a while to get used to it. I did have difficulty getting on the trolleys though.

Chif out.

04 January 2011


I had two appointments today. When I saw the wet streets, I decided to reschedule them and hopefully the weather will be more in my favour.

Nothing else going on. I have some DVDs from the library to watch but I'm not in a movie mood. Or any mood, HP lent me a book to read and it's been sitting there waiting for me.

Chif out

03 January 2011


Hush Puppy invited moi et Mess over for dinner. It was a great spread. He brought a plate of cheeses and grapes. Mess said it looked like the plates at Candle Light.

HP continued to the main course, chicken and dumplings and we had a nice French crust bread courtesy of Mess. Of course we had a great time because of the great company.

We wound up talking about things and the hours passed real slowly. Before we knew it, it was five hours we'd spend enjoying each other. We know there will be other get togethers.

Chif Out

01 January 2011


I didn't know what was going on, but Mess and Hush Puppy were concerned because they had not heard from me in days. Mess even called Centromed, why I don't know. But the nutritionist got worried about me also. They even called me during group to see if I needed a ride.

Finally, HP suggested we call 911. He couldn't call from work so Mess called the cops. Mess had already tried talking to the manager to see if she had seen me.

Finally I heard someone at the door and I started screaming for help. I still don't know if it was the police or the manager that found me. All this is in bits of pieces from my memory.

I think it was the paramedics that pulled me from the tub. They lifted me like I was a rag doll and eventually on to the stretcher. They asked where my meds were and they took everything.

I do remember asking for some clothes also because I knew I would need them. And there was the ride down in the elevator and then the lobby and out to the ambulance. They entered all my meds into a computer and told them all my paperwork is at Santa Rosa Hospital, which is only three blocks away.

Chif out.

New Year's Day

Just another day come and gone. I have DVDs from the library, but I have not been able to concentrate on anything lately. At least the library can get some statistics out of me.

Mess called and invited me to Stella's for dinner. Actually he said she asked for me to be there. I'm not one to say no to a free meal.

We wound up having a mini-Thanksgiving dinner. We had turkey, stuffing, and vegetables. I've always been one for the side dishes and I filled up my plate with everything and extra stuffing.

It was a small intimate group with two of Stella's friends. I did feel like an outsider because they had a past together and I didn't know what to do so I just listened to their stories.

It was nice seeing Stella. She's all about hugs and kisses and I hugged her when we got there and when we left.

Chif out.