30 December 2014

Happy Holidays

Boy these holidays went by quick. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, and tomorrow is New Year's Eve. I didn't even get to mail out holiday cards this year. It just didn't feel right for some reason.

Update on me, I'm doing great. After a bad October, I am now walking without a cane again. I still get nervous. It just happened so randomly. I'm afraid to move sometimes because I'm afraid it'll come back.

I had a severe case of allergies recently. I was dripping incessantly and my nose was raw from too much blowing. Not that kind of blowing!

Jean-Luc is doing great. He's such a loving cat. I've never had a cat as loveable as him. When guests come over, he runs up and greets them and purrs and prances all over.

I was naughty this holiday. Tony introduced me to a dating app for gay men. Wow, there are some hot men out there. I've actually gone on several dates that led elsewhere :-) Yes I'm playing safe. I just had no idea I was that flexible. I feel young and invigorated. I've been out of the loop for about 10 years, so I figure I'm due for some fun.

One thing with these guys, they're in such great shape and I'm not. I'm shapeless. I lost all that weight then gained 20 lbs. and I'm just not happy with how I look. I've decided to get back on the wagon and lose some more weight. I went to the store today and got salad fixings. I think that's what caused my weight loss in the first place.

I want to get back to the gym. I have free membership with Humana. I'm just afraid I'm gonna break down again. That was so not fun. I hated being homebound and walking with a cane, and a quad cane at that.

I have to face that fear. I also want to get back in the pool. I've lost weight before thanks to the pool and I'm hoping to get that going again. I have a doctor's prescription so I'll be able to do it for free. I just have to schlep to the Natatorium which is across from my old high school. Memories.

New Year's is always a bummer for me. My sister would have been 75 next year. I used to spend it with her and I'd buy the cheap champagne she loved and we'd drink it at midnight. If I wasn't able to visit, I would always call at midnight to wish her a happy birthday. I have that to deal with again.

I guess that's it for the year. I hope nothing but the best for everyone in 2015. I'm sure gonna make some changes. I don't do resolutions, but a friend on Twitter said instead he makes goals for the year which sounds more feasible.

Chiflaco out.

09 December 2014


Nothing much going on. The weather's been warm. I want a cold winter. But it ain't gonna happen.

My knee's doing a whole lot better. There's no swelling and no pain. I do tire easily. I still use the cane when I go to the library and to the store. Although I ventured out to the store without it today. I came home and crashed, but I survived.

Went to lunch with Tony and Mike yesterday. We went to Luther's. It's kinda our hang out. Our favourite server wasn't waiting on us but he still came over and said hello. Javier is a character. He's a genuine person and very friendly. He fits well with us.

I have an extra ticket for Chicago next month and I seriously considered inviting him. Don't know if he's flirting or just being a nice server. We'll never know.

Chiflaco out.