29 June 2013

Too Hot!

I woke up and the temperature was 87! I turned it off and on, but it was still high.

I had to call in the maintenance man to do his magic. I hate seeing him on weekends and I felt bad about me needing him.

It's just too hot. I tried to run around yesterday, but I went to the library and I was drained. No way was I gonna run around. I came home and crashed.

Today was horrible. I had a headache and was dizzy. Okay, one might say I'm always dizzy. I tried to nap, but was too stressed to nap.

The temperature right now is at 74. I will sleep like a baby.

Chiffie out.

24 June 2013


What a difference from one week to another. Last Tuesday I was on an errand when it hit me. I was shaking, had a headache, and was clammy. I literally felt I was gonna die.

I got home and crashed. Jean-Luc could tell there was something amiss. I drank a pitcher of cold water and laid down for about an hour.

Other than that, I am still crying. I got into Boston Legal and I saw the finale. It made me cry even more. Nice ending.

Chiffie out.

21 June 2013

Still Crying

Okay, so I'm still crying. So what do I do? I saw a movie where she has colon cancer and she has months to live.

I'm not in a good place right now. I'm still hoping for death, the final frontier. Bring it on, I can handle this.

I don't think of AIDS much. But every now and then I think about it. People do not die from AIDS, they die from other things, like cancer or pneumonia or a variety of other happy ways to go.

Okay, I'm back. I finally stopped crying with this movie, so I'm gonna have to start crying again. For no reason.

I'm lucky to have all these amazing people on my side. I love everybody in my life and want to thank you for allowing me into your lives.

Okay, I started crying again. What else can I do?

Chiffie out.

14 June 2013


For some reason, I have been crying a lot lately. People will ask why I'm crying. I don't know. Maybe I'm fed up with my life right now.

I can't stop it, it just happens. Sometimes I forget that I'm crying and I cry some more.

I am tired of crying, but I have no control over it. It's just there, why, I don't know. I just need some Kleenex.

Chiffie out.

12 June 2013


My futon is too big for this unit, so I went to Craig's List and put this for sale. It's gorgeous looking like something out of Architectural Digest.

This was Jean-Luc's favourite place where he liked to nap. Poor baby keeps sleeping where the futon where it used to be. Sad but funny. He's laying there in his preferred sunshine right now.

Chiflaco out.

10 June 2013


Went to the nutritionist today. She was happy that I gained a pound since last time. Funny that somebody is happy for my weight.

She also contacted someone to deliver Ensure at the house. These are nutritional and very tasty, kinda like a malt. So I came home last week to find 6 boxes of the stuff.

I did share with Mike and Eddie. They loved it also.

Chiffie out.

06 June 2013

Drs Visits

I went first to see the podiatrist. He pared down the calluses and did my toe nails. I was happy.

He then suggested I go get a pedicure. I can do that. I'm content. I went from one hotie to another. I was happy.

Then I went to see hunky Dr Riley. They had a partial waiting for me and they adjusted it also.
When Dr Riley came over, I was in cloud 9. He's hot.

He has a firm handshake and I gave one in return. He looked at me with those blue eyes, I was melting. And I returned his gaze. He has this way of making me swoon.

Chiffie out.

Mental Day

I went to see Joey yesterday. It was a good session for me. We talked about getting out of the house to get rid of those feelings. He did say that my weight loss is due to depression. I never thought of that.

Like I said before, Joey is great. I'm getting more from him than I did with my previous therapist.

Chiffie out.

02 June 2013


This was a ho hum weekend. The best thing about this was I got to  get together with Mike and his beau.

We went to Luby's and pigged out. So there we were talking away and Mike made the comment that I want to be dead. So then we started talking about death.

Tony is Mike's beau and I really like him. He brought me a goody bag with a sampler and candles. Like I said, good guy.

Chiffie out.