23 March 2012

Hearing Aid

I had my hearing checked sometime in the summer and found out that I needed a hearing aid. They found that I do need a hearing aid.

Trouble is they start at $16oo.oo! And they can work with me on a payment plan. Like I have $16oo laying around for it.

Yesterday I went to another Dr for this. I got to try out a hearing aid and it worked. This was the top of the line hearing aid and it only cost $45oo. Of course. I always look for the best.

This one was cool and had a remote for the hearing aid which only made it better. Like I have that kind of money.

I also found out that I should be on Medicaid and they would help me purchase one of these. I just need to find out where the nearest Medicaid for me to apply for it.

We'll see.

Chiffie out.

1 comment:

  1. Spending the amount of $4,500 is nothing if it is the best style that fits your ears. But, if you can find a cheaper price with the same features then go for that brand. All hearing aids contain the same parts but they come in a number of styles and they differ in sizes. When purchasing a hearing aid, don’t go after the brand and style, buy the one that will best fit your ear canal.

    Rebecca Kavel
