28 June 2012

Physical Therapy

Started my physical therapy the other day. They hooked up to some machine that made my knee feel better.

Then it's time for excersise in the pool. Nice to be in a pool again. The therapy worked in that I was not feeling pain in my knee.

After this, I will be going back to the orthopedic doctor and see what's what. He did mention knee replacement. I'm ready for anything life throws my way.

Chiff out.

22 June 2012


For the past two weeks or so, I have been crying. I don't know what  I did to deserve this. Today, I stayed in bed all day long with a box of tissues. I wasn't sleeping, just staring up at the ceiling. My cell did not ring all day, and that's a godsend.

In between these sessions, I have managed to do laundry. I also clean up the commode. Oy vey.

I don't know what tomorrow's gonna throw at me. Oh yeah, I haven't been eating less food and drinking water. I feel as if I've lost some pounds, but I won't find out until I go to the clinic. Moi, would not allow a scale in the house.

Think of me.


19 June 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy 40th birthday to Jean Dujardin. What a babe! He won the Oscar for best actor. I would also vote for his hot schnozz, and he is just so good looking. I am satisfied with him. He won the Cannes prize for Best Actor, the SAG Award, the Golden Globe, the BAFTA and the Oscar for one film. He also has a nose to rock my world.

Chiffie out.

14 June 2012

Left Knee Part Deux

So I've been having trouble walking and my knee hurts like there's no tomorrow. I've been using an ace bandage.

Dr M said it is advanced arthritis, so he referred me to an orthodontist surgeon and he confirmed it.

So, I'm gonna be in physical therapy for a month and then we'll see about knee replacement. I know I just hurt and want the surgery all ready.

That's the latest on poor Chiflado. Hope he gets well soon.

Chiffie out.

07 June 2012

Dr's Visit

I went to get my results today. My CD-4 t-cells dropped again. I'm 146 from whatever was last time. I am still undetectable.

Also got results from my x-rays. He said my knee is in advance arthritis. I do have an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon to see where we go from here.

My lungs and heart are okay. Nothing going on there. I just take all this information and file it. Again, I'm the healthiest sick person I know.

Chif out.

Left knee

I've had two surgeries on my left knee and looks like I am need of another one.

My knee has been swollen for the last week and my doctor ordered an x-ray. I have an appointment with him today and hopefully he'll give me a script for the pain.

Chif out.

04 June 2012


I am adopted. How's that for a blog?

My parents did not want to hurt my feelings. They told David, one of my exes. And they told D. When I was in Michigan, she said my parents had told them the whole thing.

I was adopted as a newborn. My birth mother lives or lived in Houston. If I'd known, I would have looked her up when I lived in Houston.

Except for my sister and her daughters, I felt like I was an outsider. That explains a lot. That explains why my brother hated me. Once I asked my other sister for a recipe. She said it was only for family not for me.

I'm still marinating the news. I'm at a loss for words, me of all people. I've been wanting to change my name since elementary school, now I have a reason. I'm gonna get the ball rolling and get my ducks in order.

I still have my fabulous nieces as family. We've been through a lot. They are both family and friends. I love them very much. I just wish I'd learn this earlier.

Still cannot believe they told David. I guess since he was my main squeeze at the moment he would tell me. He did tell me but I just blew it off. He did not like how my family treated me. He got to go to one of the family events and we were by ourselves along with Veda our Afghan Hound. Again the outsider.

Well, that's that. I have a lot of issues to deal with and I will bring it up with my therapist. Hopefully I'll get some questions answered.

Chiffie out.

Birthday Boy

Happy 27th Birthday to  Evan Lysacek. Baby baby, this boy be fine. Great bod and scrumptious nose. Woof!