30 September 2009

Salt in the wound

Boy, when it rains it pours. As you know I am on HOPWA and part of the programme is a periodic home visit and assessment. The home visit went okay of course. But the assessment did not. They look at my monthly expenses and it looks like I am making or saving a lot of money. So it looks like I might be taken off HOPWA, the bright side is I can apply next year.

I was catatonic all day yesterday after that appointment. The one ray of hope was that I was scheduled to see my analyst today. There is something comforting about being in that womb of a room taking to someone about my feelings.

I was literally getting ready to walk out the door right now when the phone rang. It was the clinic calling to say that my doctor had called in for the day! Looks like another day of catatonia. What’s a girl to do?

I have had no energy or desire to do anything the past few days. I have a great book to read and DVDs to watch but nothing interests me right now. I have just been listening to that Parisian jazz station I recommended. So guess what I’ll be doing today.

1 comment:

  1. i know what you'll be doing. you're going to go to sidney's with me and get your nails done!
    and afterwards, we'll go have dinner at a gay mexican spot i know!
