22 September 2009

My POZ Posse

My posse consists of two of the greatest friends I've come across in decades. They are Hush Puppy (HP) and White Chocolate Mess (Mess) and he's quite the mess!

I met HP in January and there was an instant spark that just ignited into a wonderful friendship. My day is not complete without a daily call to check up on each other. He had a dark cloud around him for a few months but everything's falling into place lately and I wish him nothing but the best. He's the one that speaks bovine and asked a cow for directions to the campout.

Mess is a Noo Yawker with a heart of gold. I met him in February and we hit it off almost immediately. He has a fascinating blog, just check my links for White Chocolate Mess, and you'll get an insight into him.

There appears to be another member lurking in the shadows and he's as crazy as the three of us. We don't have a nickname for him yet, but for now it's just Ringo, making us the Fab Four.

We all have the same wicked, sardonic sense of humour and wit. We usually sit together at our support group and just have a conversation by ourselves.

Before I forget, at the campout HP concocted a beverage that is now forever known as the Hush Puppy and that's just about all we drank while we were up there. Ringo didn't make it, he's too shy. Those vultures would have flocked all over him for sure.



  1. Hush Puppy? what's in it? Do tell. I thought I knew every cocktail there ever was.

  2. That's a Posse secret!

  3. I wanna know the secret too!
