09 January 2011

Santa Rosa

The Chif saga continues...remember it's all about me!

I kinda wish I had something to write about my stay at the Santa Rosa hospital. I remember seeing D&B in some room I guess near the ER. I do remember seeing a nurse dressed up like a tiger and I realized it was Halloween.

I was in a morphine induced haze and I didn't know what was going on. I had to get bits and pieces from everyone that visited me. I don't know how long I was on morphine, maybe my whole stay, who knows. I keep hearing what I did and said from everybody, and there were some interesting stories that came out of my mouth.

I do remember somebody saying I was gonna be transfered to another hospital with physical therapists. I basically had to learn how to walk again. But that's another posting. For now,

Chif out.

1 comment:

  1. i tried and tried but that awful nurse would not give me any of your morphine!
