29 November 2009

Sunday Outing

Sunday’s usually one of my library days so I went to pick up what I had on hold. A new movie, two foreign films, and a rom-com with Ewan McGregor I know I’m gonna have to like.

Hush Puppy rang me up and invited me to dinner. He had just come back from the holidays with the folks. Of course I can never refuse Hush Puppy and he picked me up and we went to a Chinese restaurant in the Medical Centre.

The food was great as was the company. We laughed and talked about things and not once did we talk of AIDS. It’s just nice to avoid the subject once in a while.

I’m a simple man. It was nice to break my routine for one day. I highly recommend it, but find your own Hush Puppy.


  1. Princess ShotsavodkaNovember 30, 2009 at 4:38 PM

    That Hush Puppy is one hell of a cocktail! Glad you got out.

  2. I'm honored to call you my friend!
