19 February 2010

Still Down

It is so weird not having a computer. I mean I have a computer it's just that I can't log-in. At least the Olympics are on since there is no good television for the most part.

I'm feeling better. Maybe I had a 24-hour cancer. I've been having problems with my referral. I still haven't received it and I have a follow up appointment Monday. So I'll go back for the original referral and I still haven't heard from Radiology about the sonogram. I guess I didn't mention that my doc wants a sonogram of my gall bladder.

AIDSheimer's. That's what I'm calling it. I've been forgetting a lot of things lately. I went to the pharmacy to pick up a refill and they showed that I had already picked it up the week before. Of course I went home and looked around and did not find the med. Wednesday I had an appointment to see my analyst and I swear I filled out the paperwork and turned it in to the receptionist. But they never called my name and finally my anaylst saw me in the waiting room, but I had already been logged in as a no-show.

My tingling has been under control although I had a severe case of it yesterday. It was awesome. The only thing that bothered me was my tremors. Don't know if I've blogged about it, but I sometimes shake uncontrolably for no reason. The RN noticed it my last visit but I've lived with this for five years now. It was frustrating this weekend when Purple 13 and I went to lunch at Hung Fong's and I couldn't eat my egg-drop soup. I made a big mess on the table trying to eat my soup. I am on a medication for the tremors but I guess I need something stronger and I moved my neurologist appointment to April.

79 Days until the campout...


  1. 79 days until a Hush Puppy induced karaoke freak out!

  2. ...and HP better sing this time around. I'm already practicing my scales.
