08 February 2010

Dr's Visit

One thing about having AIDS is that you worry about every little thing. I went to the clinic to get a referral for a gastroenterologist. The blood vomiting is what made me go today. And he also wants an ultrasound of my gall bladder.

He also said to stay away from Pepto and recommended Maalox or Mylanta. I also got my H1N1 flu shot so I'm prepared. And the best news was that I've lost 12 lbs since December. Next month when I see the nutritionist I'll also see how much fat I've lost. The only bad thing is that I might have lost muscle mass.

And we doubled my marinol dosage for the nausea. How I wish marijuana were legal in Texas. I can always get some and break the law, like it doesn't every day.

The RN did notice my tremors. I didn't go into detail with her about it but I do have an appointment with the neurologist in April. She also noticed the scratches on my hands. She said she would have gotten rid of the cat already.

1 comment:

  1. get rid of the cat? obviously this gal does not like the pussay!
