28 February 2010

Family Time

Chiflado spent some quality time with his nieces yesterday. We went to Peter Piper's Pizza to celebrate a birthday. Rugrats and noise all over the place and Chiflado was out of his element. But he got to see his youngest niece.

Also got a chance to catch up with my nieces. I told them about the colonoscopy and I really hope they find something wrong. There is obviously something bothering me and a diagnosis would be great.

Jean Luc has noticed I'm not my usual self. He sits on my lap purring away hoping to make me feel better. Then there are times when I sit with a blankie and he crawls under the blankie to keep me company. Or when I'm in the easy chair, he likes to sit on the foot rest. He's also been licking me a lot lately and hasn't bitten me as much. He's quite the gentleman, and a loved one at that.

...70 Days until the Camp out...

26 February 2010

Computer MIA

I've lost track of this but I think I've been without a computer for about three weeks. I thought I had funds to move around to pay for it, but alas, that was not the case. I will have to wait until Wednesday at the earliest to get it back. It is ready to be picked up but I told them I'm out of town for the week. Now I just need a ride to go get it, I certainly can't make it on the bus.

On the homefront I've been healthy these past few weeks. No nausea, no vomiting, and I've even gotten some hunger back. My diet consists of very bland means. I actually boil chicken tenders and a potato for lunch. I can't enjoy ramen that much because of my tremors, a lot of the soup winds up on the table rather than my tum. We'll see what the neurologist has to say this year about that.

I did go to La Margarita Wednesday night for a Centromed dinner. The topic was HIV and heart disease. Stuff we've heard before, cholesterol, trycerides, smoking, the usual. Dinner was fajitas, rice and beans, certainly not a great heart meal, was it? But it was nice to get out of the house and see some people including my Silver Daddy.

...72 Days until the camp out...

24 February 2010


When I whine, things get done! So I went to the clinic and I just didn't get a referral, I got an appointment for a colonoscopy instead. Maybe I can get some stills for the blog...Like I said earlier before, I'm feeling better but I would prefer to get this looked into and start ruling out things.

I did have a case of the tingles yesterday. Man it felt good, but it's still annoying. When I feel a wave coming, there are times when I can't do anything and that's what happened yesterday. I literally sat in my recliner while the ripples went amuck.

...74 Days until the camp out...

22 February 2010


Still feeling great, no more nausea, and of course I have a doctor's appointment today. Hopefully I'll get my referral this time around, not that I can afford it.

I took my computer to the doctor and it's gonna cost me $230 to repair it. That's $230 I don't have right now but will have on the 3rd. Of course that means I'll really have to watch my purse strings next month. So I might not even use the referral. It's one step forward and five back for me here guys.

Ran around with HP Saturday, he rented a car to do some running around and called to get me out of the house. We took my computer to Computer Nerdz and then he had some shopping to do. Shopping is something I used to love to do when I was working and had money, now I can't even afford the Dollar Store, nor do I need to buy anything. I look at stuff as something someone will have to get rid of when I die. All I need to buy are groceries and cat food, JL will always have food in his belly.

Went to group yesterday. HP made the best beef stroganof from scratch, although I wasn't able to enjoy it that much because of the tremors, I was just shaking too much. And Silver Daddy made his world famous cheese cake that's always a hit with us. It was also good to see Mess as well, ya'll know the three of us have a tight bond. And of course we talked about the infamous camp out...

...76 Days until the camp out.

19 February 2010

Still Down

It is so weird not having a computer. I mean I have a computer it's just that I can't log-in. At least the Olympics are on since there is no good television for the most part.

I'm feeling better. Maybe I had a 24-hour cancer. I've been having problems with my referral. I still haven't received it and I have a follow up appointment Monday. So I'll go back for the original referral and I still haven't heard from Radiology about the sonogram. I guess I didn't mention that my doc wants a sonogram of my gall bladder.

AIDSheimer's. That's what I'm calling it. I've been forgetting a lot of things lately. I went to the pharmacy to pick up a refill and they showed that I had already picked it up the week before. Of course I went home and looked around and did not find the med. Wednesday I had an appointment to see my analyst and I swear I filled out the paperwork and turned it in to the receptionist. But they never called my name and finally my anaylst saw me in the waiting room, but I had already been logged in as a no-show.

My tingling has been under control although I had a severe case of it yesterday. It was awesome. The only thing that bothered me was my tremors. Don't know if I've blogged about it, but I sometimes shake uncontrolably for no reason. The RN noticed it my last visit but I've lived with this for five years now. It was frustrating this weekend when Purple 13 and I went to lunch at Hung Fong's and I couldn't eat my egg-drop soup. I made a big mess on the table trying to eat my soup. I am on a medication for the tremors but I guess I need something stronger and I moved my neurologist appointment to April.

79 Days until the campout...

16 February 2010

The Latest

I do what I can. I had a bad Saturday, so much so that HP was so worried he wanted to come over and play Florence Nightengale. But I was able to keep things down so I survived a bad day. I also found that if I don't move my tum won't be as aggitated.

I was feeling good Sunday to go to the cinema with Purple 13. Since I read the series and I got her hooked on them, she wanted to see it as well. I give it 5 jalapenos even though I'm not one for cgi. I'll review this later. I'm still having computer problems and still checking email at the library.

82 Days until the campout...

12 February 2010

Technical Update

Which problem to talk about first? My computer is still acting up. I just cannot get into it at all. I have been banished to the library to check email and all my daily websites. I just realized last night I forgot to check the People of Walmart!

The tingling's still here. It's really driving me crazy. On the one hand the orgasmic sensations feel just great, but on the other hand it's started to drive my tum wild with excitement. And I'm still waiting for a referral from my doctor.

The tingling is now adding to the vomit. When my tum tingles, it gives me the giggles and this causes my tum to turn and toss more than usual and this makes me sick. I have not been able to keep anything down for the past two days now.

86 Days to the campout...

11 February 2010

Computer Update

Still having problems with my computer and my what I like to call cancer. I'm still waiting on a referral for the one problem and I just emailed some people for assistance on the other. I feel like such a blonde.

My computer literally will not let me do anything. I cannot open it in safe mode and it wouldn't allow me to system restore before this. It's so nerve-wracking. We're so used to computers. They're supposed to simplify our lives, yet they aggravate the hell out of us when they can.

87 Days until the campout...

09 February 2010


Still having technical difficulties. I need a compunerd to save the day. What me worry anyway? My meds clicked pretty well with the wine tonight. I'm feeling fine and have not a care in the world. Including the fact that I might have downloaded some virus. So if you don't hear from me, I might be MIA, but I will find a way to stay in touch.

89 Days until the campout.

08 February 2010

Dr's Visit

One thing about having AIDS is that you worry about every little thing. I went to the clinic to get a referral for a gastroenterologist. The blood vomiting is what made me go today. And he also wants an ultrasound of my gall bladder.

He also said to stay away from Pepto and recommended Maalox or Mylanta. I also got my H1N1 flu shot so I'm prepared. And the best news was that I've lost 12 lbs since December. Next month when I see the nutritionist I'll also see how much fat I've lost. The only bad thing is that I might have lost muscle mass.

And we doubled my marinol dosage for the nausea. How I wish marijuana were legal in Texas. I can always get some and break the law, like it doesn't every day.

The RN did notice my tremors. I didn't go into detail with her about it but I do have an appointment with the neurologist in April. She also noticed the scratches on my hands. She said she would have gotten rid of the cat already.


Saturday I treated my fat ass to breakfast at Blanco. It was quite yummy but it did not sit well with me. I came home and spewed it all out sad to say. I was on Pepto the rest of the day and only ate a banana and a tangelo and even that turned my stomach.

Yesterday I went to group only because HP made an enchilada casserole and I've been craving chicken enchiladas. It was nice to see him and Mess who's been a bit Garboesque lately.

So there I was tingling in person. It's one thing to write about it and another thing to see it in person. They had no idea. It's just waves and waves of orgasmic sensations. I'm a one-man orgy they said. The plus about it is that it cancels out the pain in my feet. There are times when I'm tingling and in pain at the same time but I'm so enjoying it I forget about the pain.

Anyhoo, the enchis were delish. HP is gonna make someone a great step-mom. I've already told him the secret phrase: boarding school. They were a tad spicy for this sicko Latino and between that and the spasms I had to watch myself before I erupted. I even skipped dessert which was a homemade apple pie made by none other than Silver Daddy himself. Of course now I think I should have brought home a slice for breakfast.

90 Days until the campout.

05 February 2010

Technical Difficulties

As luck would have it, I'm having difficulties with my computer and my PDA. And we are told that computers simplify our lives. I've rebooted, defragged, and unplugged everything. Are there any experts reading my blog that can help me?

Chiflado is having technical difficulties as well. I've had a history of tummy troubles going back to childhood. I'm even on marinol, a cannibis based medication, so I will test positive for marijuna. HP suggested I try the herb as well.

I've thrown up blood and I had slight temperature yesterday. I ventured out to the store and started feeling nauseous on the bus. I made it just in time to throw up again. I came home and guzzled some Pepto-Bismol but that didn't help much.

I called the clinic this morning and my doctor was not taking walk-ins but I did schedule an appointment for Monday. I also will try to remember to get my H1N1 flu shot.

93 Days until the campout.

02 February 2010

Product Endorsement

Speaking of Jean Luc, I must make an endorsement here. Some of you may be asking, yo Chif, why doncha have any ads on your blog? Well, the powers that be have deemed me unworthy to have any ads on my blog but I'll still blog when I feel like it.

Anyhoo, before I got him I stopped at the store to get some litter and they had a special for a free bag of Friskies. I knew it was a sign of things to come.

Well, JL doesn't really like it and it gives him bad breath. As if that weren't bad enough, it gives him gas problems. Poor baby. Honey, I'm going to HEB tomorrow and buying him the Purina Indoor Cat Chow which is what he was used to eating. Hopefully that will clear the air! I can't believe I just wrote that. It's the bag with the Siamese on it, duh.
96 Days until the campout for those of you interested.

The Tingler

I have been diagnosed with polyneuropathy which manifests itself either in extreme pain or a tingly sensation like when your foot falls asleep. Lately I’ve been tingling all over the place especially my stomach which I now refer to as stomach cancer. It’s a joke and I see my doctor next month and promise to discuss it with him.

I was talking to Purple 13 today about it and told her it’s almost like sex. When my spot is found there are just ripples of sensations all over, at least from what I remember. I’ve been tingling for the past two weeks or so and while it feels great, wink, wink, it’s also kinda annoying.

Guess it’s my version of purring. I tingle and shiver at the same time. I really should look into marketing this it feels that great. Man I could go for a joint about now.