05 June 2010

The Last Supper

We're three caballeros,
three gay caballeros,
and we are all birds of a feather...

Mess, HP, and I got together for lunch today. The three of us haven't been together since maybe April. I was thinking it but HP called it my Last Supper, since tomorrow I cleanse and Monday I go in for my procedure. I've decided it's a freckle, a mole, an ingrown hair, a pimple.

Like I blogged earlier, it's difficult for me to find restaurants with 'safe' foods I can tolerate. We settled on Chinese buffet because there would be something for everyone.

First thing to report is Mess's hearing. He has a wax problem that got out of control and his ears are all clogged up, so HP and I were screaming at him throughout lunch. Other than that he's looking pretty good.

HP was content with his sushi. We were all just so excited to be together again. I heard a little more about the camp out and they're already making plans for the September one and they're adamant that I should go, if only to gently nudge them to do karaoke. See what happens when the head nut isn't around?

Boy, I'm already starting to forget the whole affair and it was just a few hours ago. It's the AIDSheimers. Overall it was just nice to get to see two fabulous friends and not think of AIDS or Monday in my case.


  1. I'm glad our little pod has three peas in it. The funny thing was that we were screaming at Mess so he could hear us, but he was talking so low I could hardly hear him. Lets hope that candeling thing works.

  2. I know, we were screaming and he was whispering. Well, we love him no matter what condition he's in!

  3. Good luck tomorrow - how long will you be in the hospital

  4. Hope all went well, I don't have AIDSheimers, I have Senior moments, therefore I could not remember when you were having your surgury. Sorry.
