04 December 2009

Tortilla Soup

Thursday was a busy day for me. I went to the pharmacy and the library. I had to pick up the next Percy Jackson book for Purple 13, I got her hooked on the series. They’re really a fun read and the movie comes out in February, we saw the trailer when we went last week to see New Moon.

I was gonna take her the book, she works walking distance from me, but she suggested lunch and I’m not one to turn down a free meal. She was in the mood for tortilla soup and Blanco CafĂ© has one of the best in town. She also had cawfee and I had to smell her cup.

I had the green enchiladas and she said I’m so predictable. Hey everything at Blanco is great and I happen to like green eggs and ham and I would eat them in a box and I would eat them with a fox…

1 comment:

  1. what really ROX is when you eat it with LOX
