23 December 2009

Catching Up

Lately each day has been the same, there is no difference between Sunday and Wednesday. I did have my blood drawn one day and I saw my analyst another day. I really didn’t have much to talk about since I’ve been avoiding the holidays plus the fact that I’m sitting on some potential great news and I’ll blog that when it happens.

Hush Puppy rented a car over the weekend to do some last minute shopping. Since he got t-boned in June he’s been on the bus as well. He came by and picked me up Saturday for dinner. We went to Chopstix for the Chinese buffet. Then we went to his place where we each had a Hush Puppy. It was a nice break in my routine and I got to visit with my cherished friend.

Against my better judgment, I went to Sunday group. Ringo went out of his way and ordered food from Luby’s and I didn’t want to disappoint him. Everything was okay but they decided to have a gift exchange and that threw me off. Chiflado is not one for gifts, especially when they are forced on him.

I did renew my lease yesterday and my rent went up $10 which is okay considering the location and the fact that all utilities are paid. And here we are, days away from one of the dreaded days of the year.

Hopefully the new year will be better for Chiflado.

1 comment:

  1. felice navidad and a very happy healthy sexy money filled off the chain 2010. HOLLER!!!!!!!
