26 December 2010

Dinner at Stella's

Stella is Mess's faux sister, just a great friend for him. And she's such a great person and treats us all like family. Hush Puppy was in Kerrville with his family, so he wasn't able to make it. Too bad. More food for us!

Dinner was fabulous. First of was shrimp cocktail. She said if we don't finish them, we could take them home. Yeah right. Oink oink. Next on the menu, salad and garlic bread. Yum.

And then it was time for dinner. She had like five different pastas to choose from. I had a little of everything. Again, oink oink. And she said to leave room for dessert. More?

She had homemade canolli with a cherry at one end and pistachio pieces on the other. What made it better was the coffee, and ya'll know how much I love coffee.

And then we had gifts to open! OMG. There was a motif for my gifts, things chocolate, including a chocolate wine. On one hand I was happy to receive these fab yummies. And on the other hand I felt kinda weird not to have gotten her anything.

I'm from the old school that you always take something when you visit someone. I took some Russell Stover's dark chocolate candies which she loved. It was a small gesture but she did say she liked Russell Stover's and she immediately opened the box and she said she'll have one a day.

All in all, it was a nice visit. I look forward to the next visit. Thanks Mess!

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