18 May 2010


It's getting a bit scary for me on so many levels. My AIDSheimers is getting worst. I have to write down where I'm going and what I'm gonna do. Coming home is easy because it's my center point. If I didn't have to go out I'd be quite satisfied, but I'm still trying to be as independent as possible.

My tremors have gotten worst also. I find other parts of my body shaking along with my hands, arms, and lips. Last night at a pot luck I could barely eat I was shaking so bad. And then I got a ride to Walgreens and I felt like I was gonna pass out. I was walking like I was drunk.

This of course is not healthy for me. It's really bringing me down. I find myself crying for no reason, but the reasons are many. The plus side is I get to see my analyst tomorrow and she's good at calming the savage beast.

I'm off to the store. I don't need a reminder because I have my recycle bags and there's only one reason for them. Duh. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. The Right Reverend Buelah FranklinMay 21, 2010 at 4:56 PM

    we're always praying for you, chiffie!
