07 January 2010


So far the new year's treating me well. I'm still on an emotional high from my lab results. I actually had a visit with my analyst yesterday although why I went is beyond me. She was glad that I survived the holidays without a glitch.

Chiflado does not believe in resolutions, but people use the term goals in lieu of it. I actually have some goals that I started working on last month and hope to see them to fruition. If I'm lucky, I should accomplish one this coming week.

Also took B to the Medical Centre. Seems I'm the only one that can find my way around the place. And I'm not working so I get to chauffeur her around and play wonderful uncle.

We're having a winter blast this week. People ask me if it bothers me and I always say this is nothing compared to Michigan. Now that was a winter blast and at least I don't have to shovel snow down here.

1 comment:

  1. i don't believe in making resolutions for myself. Now for other people, that's a different story........
