18 January 2010

Chew Toy

I went to group yesterday, something I haven’t done for about a month. Hush Puppy was glad to see me. Guess I made his day. The good thing about showing up was that I got compliments on my weight loss that I haven’t blogged about. I joke with him that the loss is an age thing, not an AIDS thing.

I’m just not that hungry sometimes. My big meal of the day is lunch. For breakfast I usually have toast or oatmeal and since I’m not usually hungry at dinner but I must take some meds with food, I have a breakfast biscuit. I did blog that I had a surprising weight loss last month when I got my lab results.

I also showed HP my scarred hands where Jean Luc likes to chew on me. He thought I was kidding. JL can chew on me all he wants, he’s allowed. He also scratches me with his dragon lady claws, but they will be gone one day.

HP and Silver Daddy came over after group. Since I got JL, I’ve decided to get rid of my plants. They are toxic to cats and JL has been chewing on some of them and he’s sniffing around. So now I’m plantless but I have my darling JL.


  1. give JL a big pussy kiss from me. Daddy is very depressed but he misses you guys. I am going to try to snap him out of it. Meow!

  2. Amazing...Jean Luc loved the old Pup. I guess I will one day have to cat-sit for Chidlado if he gets the chance to visit the motherland again. Frankly, I think JL should have his nails painted Jungle Red.
