01 September 2014

Tremors-They're B-A-A-A-C-K!!!

Ten years ago I had shingles and this led to my HIV+ status. I had them up and down my right arm. The bad part was that I was unable to eat with my right arm but I liked it because I lost weight.

I had a severe case of tremors. My right arm has just never recovered. My penmanship is horrendous and I can't hold a fork for the life of me.

I've had them for ten years and they have gotten better. But for some reason, they're back. I was at lunch with Doug the other day and he noticed me shaking. Doug is an older man I've talked about before. I call him my Silver Daddy.

So here I am shaking again. It could be the DTs since I've been drinking a lot lately. Don't know why, I just am. Mike asked if I'm depressed but I don't know. I just know that I'm drinking a lot. And not just my usual nightly glass of wine. I've been hitting the hard liquor. We're talking tequila and vodka. I just can't get enough.

I've gotten used to drinking in the late mornings and taking a nap afterwards. It's relaxing but it's still a problem. No I'm not alcoholic, I just love my booze. I'm in a daze most of the time because of it.

I wish I could stop but I can't. I won't. What's the use? Why stop drinking if it doesn't hurt me? It is hurting my pocket book, but I'm still able to function okay.

Fact is the tremors are back. They are annoying. I can't eat or write and keyboarding is a problem. I'm making due.

Chiflaco out.

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