26 January 2014

Mental Health Day

Went to the psychiatrist the other day. We talked about my mental health which is always bad. I got scripts for my psych meds.

Then I saw my therapist. I still haven't decided if I like her or not. We talked about my eating patterns which are bipolar. I'm hungry and then I'm not hungry. And there are times when I forget to eat. I am a queer duck.

I'm still dealing with the adoption thing. I never felt part of the family and now I know why. I am po'd  that nobody told me. I'm still kinda shocked that my sister never told me because we were so close. I go to her grave and ask why.

Then there's my other sister. She was a friend and stopped talking to me in December 1986. If she was such a good friend she could've have told me. My brother is a creep who never talked to me and now I know why.

I always wonder why my parents told David my boyfriend at the time. He told me and I just let it slide. My parents liked him obviously and I guess they figured I would be cool when he told me.

And then they told my niece Debra. When I was in Michigan, she told me she had some news to tell me about myself. I told her I would wait until another time. I finally asked her two years ago and she told me the news. Of course I was cool with it.

It really bothered my at my Mom's funeral when they said she was survived by her son, daughter and adopted son. Everybody turned and looked at me. I sat there proudly.

Looks like I rambled again.

Chiflaco out.

21 January 2014


My BFFF Mike is in the hospital again with pancreatitis. This is the third time in as many years. He pushes himself and works overtime and it just gets on my nerves.

He was asleep when I got there but he woke up for a little while and we talked. The nurse went by to get a glucose reading and it was 220! And he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday.

I worry about him. I don't want him to die first because he wants me to sing the worst Bette Midler song, Wind Beneath My Wings. I hate that song. It was a sellout. Everyone I know hates that song.At least I'm in good company. I refuse to sing it, maybe I'll read it but I will not sing it.

Pray for Mike. Light candles. Think positive thoughts.

Chiflaco out.

Dr's Visit

Went to the doctor's today. I was very concerned about my low blood sugar. And my blood pressure has been through the roof lately.

Of course my glucose reading was okay, 79. And my blood pressure was okay. It never fails. Well, at least I take my health in my hands. It's been said that we are very aware of our bodies.

It's my life and I have to look after myself.

Chiflaco out.

17 January 2014

Low Blood Sugar

Still having problems. The other day was so bad I was in bed most of the day. I did call Jeanne yesterday and got her input.

I am eating better. I'm actually having breakfast rather than my usual sweet yummy.  Still doing salads and having a nice dinner, although I eat early.

She was concerned of course and suggested I make an appointment with my doctor.

Chiflaco out.

03 January 2014


Went to see Jeanne, my nutritionist yesterday. I'm very concerned about my low blood sugar. I've been feeling bad and I get shaky and have a headache and perspire like there's no tomorrow.

She did say to start a food diary. I hate that because I usually embellish. I also didn't gain nor lose weight. I was surprised because I really pigged out last month.

I am scheduled for a glucose reading for my next labs next month. In the meantime, I will start eating right again.

Chiflaco out.

01 January 2014

Happy New Year

Another year come and gone. Today would have been my sister's 74th birthday. She was taken at the young age of 47. I still miss her and still mourn her.

Eddie came over with some steaks that I put in the oven for 45 minutes. I also made baked potatoes and we had a nice dinner.

I also got stuck hosting Christmas dinner with Ed and Evelyn. Seems that I have a clean apartment ready for entertaining. And I hate the holidays. Too many bad memories.

Nothing much going on. I feel like I've gained 50 pounds. I do have an appointment to see my nutritionist to talk to her about my eating. For some reason I get low blood pressure and get dizzy and have headaches and the only way to feel better is to eat. And I have been pigging out like there's no tomorrow. 

Chiflado out.