04 July 2010

Who Cares?

Sorry I haven't written. There is literally nothing for me to do. I stay at home because I'm afraid to be seen, not to mention I hate crowds, and SA is a major tourist attraction.

I'm in the midst of a minor depression I guess. I mope and cry and try to figure out where I went wrong.

The hallucinations are still there and they're more frequent with no rhyme nor reason for them. My tremors are so bad sometimes they make me laugh when I'm around people, but when I am alone and they hit, I cry again, it's the only outlet I have for the moment.

I'm still enjoying the jell-o cube. Of course the cube is my apartment and people came and go, but I cannot. Everything I need is right here in my cube.


  1. I kknow you are hurting and if prayers help I am praying for you every day

  2. you know i am no stranger to the dark dog, darling. If you need me you know how to reach me.

  3. darling imagine waiting all saturday in your sick bed for your sister who promised a visit and some chicken soup, and no call, nada. And imagine getting an e-mail the next day saying sorry i should have called. just like that. Well now I know who I can believe in, and the number is shrinking.
