One thing I have not talked about is my financial status. Ever since the nameless agency took me off their payroll, I have had to foot the rent all on my own. I've managed quite well nickle and diming and I'm sick to death of ramen noodles!
Because of my tender tum I can only eat certain foods now. I've taken to boiling chicken tenders and a potato for lunch and that pretty much fills me up and it's so bland I can keep it down. I still don't do much for dinner, usually a biscuit or toast.
And I'm lucky to have Purple 13 take me out to lunch periodically as well as attending the Centromed luncheons and dinners if they decide to put me on the list.
This month really hit home. What with my medical procedures and computer fix, I'm broke and it's only the beginning of the month! I have a total of $52.54 until April and by golly I'm gonna make it work, just like Tim Gunn. It's only 23 days until I get paid again and I am gonna make it. At least JL has food, he's more important than I am anyay.
...60 Days until the camp out...
darling you simply need to get creative! dress up like an automobile manufacturer or a bank and ask Mr. Obama for some money!