For some reason FaceBook has disabled my account. I have contacted them quite frequently and they do not respond. Poor customer service.
30 March 2010
Chez Schnozz
It's like women look at a man's butt but they don't do anything with it whereas we play around with the hot derriere. Well I'm one of the few that do the same with the nose.
So here's my blog of hot schnozzes
Tim Urban
29 March 2010
Evan Lycacek
27 March 2010
Moby Dick
An additional plus is our maintenance man. Woof! Ay Caramba! Oy vey! Mon Dieu. The guy is caliente, he could be my Popocotapetel. He's all that and a box of bags of chips.
The guy is about 5'9" or so, about 160, nice biceps, triceps, pecs...the works here. He wears his jeans about a size to small just to show off the goods. His skin is a freshly brewed cup of Mexican chocolate and probably just as tasty.
I look forward to needing his services sometimes. Not that I break anything. And one memorable encounter was an elevator bump where we were belly to belly, and it was all in slow motion.
As a matter of fact, he always moves in slow motion when he's around me, just like in the movies. One day he'll show up in cowboy boots and a hat and I have to remember to breathe when I see him in this outfit.
Other times he wears jeans and a t-shirt and baseball hat. Smokin'. I saw him yesterday in his tool belt walking slow motion across the lobby. I am so proud of my self control.
So I mention Moby Dick to HP and I had to tell him all about Moby. I wonder if I'm destined to be in hot pursuit? But I'm so shy. Just wanted to share.
Ya gotta love my family. They were so concerned they got me a cell phone in case I should have another incident. D was real funny, she said I heard you took a couple of trips and I didn't get a postcard! See what I have to put up with? Gotta love them though.
...43 Days until the camp out...
25 March 2010
Black Hanky
Ladies who Lunch
Free food? I'm there! We went to the Market Deli on Houston St and we hugged like it's been ages since we've seen each other. We placed our order and sat down for the chisme.
Her trip to NYC was fabulous of course. She told me the highlights including the St Patrick's Day Parade and seeing Paula Abdul in the audience of In The Heights. She didn't know who Corbin Bleu is who apparently has the lead and I think he's hot for a youngun.
I told her about my Y experience and she was thrilled at my lab results and overall good health. Now if I can walk and chew gum at the same time, I'll be satisfied.
Then I met up with my trainer who walked me through my routine and everything is computerized so I get to pull my daily workout and come home and enter the info and it generates a workout for the next time.
My nutritionist, analyst, and doctor are very happy with my progress. Like I blogged before, my body fat has decreased while my muscle mass has increased. So I'm doing something right. Of course my infamous ramen diet might have something to do with it.
However, and this is so embarrassing but I share everything here, I was on the elliptical Tuesday and I was in my zone. Some woman came by and asked if she could lower the blinds and I said sure. Something happened that broke my concentration and I fell on my fat ass on the thing!
A trainer finally helped me up and I had to fill out an incident report. I was wearing my knee brace otherwise that would have swollen. I was done with cardio but I finished the rest of my workout like a good Chiflado.
Of course I came home and told B all about it. We like to laugh at our clumsiness and we all have a degree of that in our genes. I am taking it easy while my knee chills. It is a bit tender but I'll be back at the Y soon.
...45 Days to the Camp out...
22 March 2010
Sunday Group
He showed up after group with not just a slice of pie, but dinner and basically a care package of food items and sundry goods. They did go overboard on tortillas, I have over 100 of them in the fridge now. I really must thank the guys for looking out after me like that. It was above and beyond.
Fabulous News!
Saw the doctor and he was excited with the nutritionist's update and my labwork as well. My t-cell count has magically, finally gone over the 200 mark, I'm at 225, hell I'll take that. Still undetectable, blood pressure okay, an overall good visit.
We saw the results of my colonoscopy and there was nothing out of the ordinary, nothing to worry about for now no colorectal cancer. The pipes are fine.
What wasn't fine was the gall bladder. He's concerned enought to refer me to a specialist for a second opinion. If worse comes to worse, we can remove it. I often wonder about my appendix and maybe I'll mention that next visit.
So that's the latest on moi. Mostly great news I just had to share with my adoring fans.
...48 Days until the camp out...
19 March 2010
Purple 13 in NYC
Things fell into place for her and she went with her sisters and a niece I think. They were all excited about doing the tourists traps and schlepping up to the crown of The Statue of Liberty. Sounds a bit extreme, I'd hit the museums and Broadway.
HP in PV
He's gone to gay bingo and has had his share of cocktails. I think I read about going to the zoo and all the touristy stuff.
I miss him dearly and look forward to catching up on chisme and I hope he can get my gift through customs!
...51 Days until the camp out...
17 March 2010
Mental Health Day
I did have some complaints about the receptionists who have dropped the ball on more than one occasion lately. She did say that these issues have been addressed and even the manager is aware of the situation.
...53 Days until the camp out...
14 March 2010
Product Endorsement
I got my computer back and it's working better than it was before. There was something wrong with my hard drive and they also installed a new anti-virus protection. The computer is faster than it was before, the only problem like I said earlier is that I lost all my bookmarks. And I had some great Paris bookmarks for my eventual return trip.
So I highly recommend Computer Nerdz for anyone suffering from computer problems.
Food Stamps
I took my $16 to HEB the other day to make my minute purchases. To be fair, a great friend sent me an HEB gift card so I was able to get a little more. I don't like to get to much because then I have to schlep home on the bus with a lot of groceries.
My tum's not feeling well still, so I'm gonna try to get something else than ramen noodles, and I was just given about 20 packages of the stuff from a cherished relative.
...56 Days until the camp out...
11 March 2010
I'm in a good place right now. My therapy is coming along nicely and I finally found a good cocktail of psych meds otherwise I'd be really down. Even in my darkest moments I've always been a glass is half-full kinda guy.
I also have a great support system, family, and friends, and even my little Jean Luc who usually knows when something's up with me. I've also been re-reading the Twilight books and they're better the second time around.
...59 Days until the Camp out...
10 March 2010
Because of my tender tum I can only eat certain foods now. I've taken to boiling chicken tenders and a potato for lunch and that pretty much fills me up and it's so bland I can keep it down. I still don't do much for dinner, usually a biscuit or toast.
And I'm lucky to have Purple 13 take me out to lunch periodically as well as attending the Centromed luncheons and dinners if they decide to put me on the list.
This month really hit home. What with my medical procedures and computer fix, I'm broke and it's only the beginning of the month! I have a total of $52.54 until April and by golly I'm gonna make it work, just like Tim Gunn. It's only 23 days until I get paid again and I am gonna make it. At least JL has food, he's more important than I am anyay.
...60 Days until the camp out...
08 March 2010
I haven't been sleeping too well these past few weeks and it caught up with me today. I had a much needed nap on the recliner with JL curled up on my lap.
...62 Days until the campout...
06 March 2010
The Lightning Thief

The Greek gods are still alive and up to their old tricks. Our hero finds out that he is a demi-god son of Poseidon and gets strength from water as well as control it.
When his mother is kidnapped by Hades, he finds refuge in Camp Half-Blood, a training camp for other demi-gods like himself. There he learns how to fight and makes some friends and frenemies.
When Zeus' lightning bolt is stolen, he accuses Poseidon that his son stole it which of course he didn't. Percy sets out on a quest to find the bolt and two of his camp-mates go along with him. They have some fantastic adventures all referencing Greek mythology.
Directed by Chris Columbus who gave us the first two Harry Potter films, I felt the kids were too old for their roles. However, the adult actors were perfectly cast with all these hot men as Greek gods and I especially loved Uma Thurman as Medusa.
The film stands on its own but leaves it open for sequels which I hope they film.
BTW, Chiflado likes everything about Greek mythology which is what got me interested in the series. I also got Purple 13 to read the series and she enjoyed them as well. Next on tap is the remake of Clash of the Titans coming out next month and you can bet Chif will see it.
Mess Rocks
I was under the impression that it was an ultrasound but it turned out to be photographs of my gall bladder. I was injected with a radioactive solution for some reason and then I was in a machine that looked like a cat scan machine. And I had to lie there immobile in an uncomfortable position.
I was concerned about Mess in the waiting room. I can see a family member waiting for me, but Mess went above and beyond for me. Made me feel special.
We did go eat afterward. I hadn't eaten since noon the previous day and he was ready to eat as well. We did a Chinese buffet and stuffed ourselves silly. Then it was home and I was just so exhausted I couldn't get into anything and went to bed early.
...64 Days until the camp out...
04 March 2010
I Survived!
Tomorrow it's my gall bladder. The sad thing for me is that I have to take to bus to the Medical Centre for this one. No one is available to take poor Chiflado on this appointment. I will manage as I always do.
The big news is that I finally got my computer back. All my bookmarks were lost and I had to reload Word and my printer, but so far so good and I will endorse Computer Nerdz
Now I just have to get reorganized and see if I can remember my bookmarks. But damned if my Paris bookmarks are gone. I'll have to start from scratch.
...66 Days until the camp out...
02 March 2010
I'm ready for my close-up Mr DeMille...
The biggest news about tomorrow is that I get to get my computer! Yeah I do have access here at the library, but I do have my routine at home and I get to keep abreast of what's going on in the world. Thank goodness for friends, Mess is gonna take me to pick up my computer tomorrow. I just wonder when I'll be back to normal, not that I was ever normal to begin with!
...68 Days until the camp out...