25 July 2012

Bad Week

All I can say is I survived.

I went to the dentist one day and I found out they can not service me until my t-cell count goes up.

I was supposed that I took the wrong bus. Two weeks ago went to. By the time I found that I was on the wrong bus, I re-scheduled for last week. I took the bus back home and here I am waiting to go tonight. Third lucks the charm.

And then I had a hellish week dealing with depression. And I did nothing just watching DVDs from the library.

Why do people get depressed, I don't know.  I nap in the afternoon. I was under the covers crying. And  it did my body good.

Sorry I haven't written lately. I love everybody in my life.

Chiffie out

20 July 2012

Birthday Boy

Happy Birthday to Hush Puppies. Of course we do not ask anyone for which birthday it is. On the other hand, these shoes are calling for me.


17 July 2012


I haven't heard from Lupe lately. But he recently made an appearance.

He played with the computer and left it on. He made a mess on the carpet with some upside down cake.

I have missed him and it's great to hear from him. Let's see when he makes another appearance.

Chiffie Out

16 July 2012


I have been having these dizzy spells lately. I almost fell of the bus the other day. And the other day I was in the elevator when one hit. I almost fell over this woman.

But I'm having an MRI to see if there's anything out of the ordinary. Will keep yall informed.


11 July 2012


What has he been up to now. I have a sleep study I went to last night. Turns out my sleep study was not last night, but next Tuesday. At least I know where I have to go next.

HP is out of the hospital. He was ready to come home earlier. But the boy was ready today.

Jean Luc is doing great. He's been spending time away from me for some reason. He's not eating like he usually does. And I make sure he has fresh water everyday.

I've been watching DVDs. Just saw Fido which is about zombies. And it is hysterical. I would recommend this for anybody.

That's it for now.


07 July 2012

Hush Puppy

Poor HP. He's in the hospital again. And I was there yesterday and sounded sickly. I just talked with him and he's ready to go home.

Please send happy thoughts.

Chiflado out.

Dizzy Again

I don't know why, but maybe I'm allergic to VIA. Wonder if there's a pill for that. Today I lost my footing and I almost hit the floor. But somehow I managed to catch myself.

I went to see a dietitian for my bypass. We were surprised to see that I lost 14 lbs. Must be all that salading I'm eating. I also throw in some chicken fajitas and voila, lunch.


03 July 2012

Dizzy Spell

It was so embarassing. I was on the bus yesterday when I got dizzy on the bus. I did make it, but my legs buckled for some reason. It took me a while before I was able to walk.
