22 January 2015

No Change

Still not sleeping. I do take daily naps though. I take Unisom with a shot of vodka each afternoon and that allows me to take naps. At night I take shots of Nyquil but don't know if it works or not.

Regardless, I'm still not sleeping. My naps do make up for my lack of sleep but I still need a full 8 hours. I'm not eating have a severe headache and am nauseous for the time being.

I do like the weight loss but know I'm losing weight for the wrong reasons. I have no apatite to speak of and only eat like once a day right now.

I have a roaring headache and I'm very tired of it. I want sleep. I'm also eating less. I've lost some weight and am glad of it but it's also not healthy weight loss. I want my life back.

Chiflaco out.

21 January 2015

Insomnia 2

Still not sleeping. It's really driving me crazy. I lay down in bed and just toss and turn. Yesterday morning I took some Nyquil and was able to take a nap.

Mike told me about melatonin. It's an herbal supplement that's a sleeping aid. It really hasn't worked that I can tell. I took two last night with a shot of Nyquil and I did pass out. I still need a lot of sleep.

I'm suffering all over. I have a lack of appetite that I welcome. I've lost some weight because of this lack of sleep. And I go from diarrhea to constipation if you can believe that. I welcome the diarrhea just to clean out my system. Mike got a bit upset and told me to take Imodium which I did.

Still haven't heard anything about my scripts. In the meantime I'm not taking any meds. I've run out. I got used to the routine and now there's nothing.

I just want to sleep. I have a constant headache and I'm shaking again. For some reason I'm sweating up a storm. I can't find a constant temperature and have day sweats now. I just can't keep clean either. I always feel dirty. I can't take enough showers.

Chiflaco out.

18 January 2015


I  haven't slept since last Monday. For some reason I can't fall asleep. It's driving me crazy. I'm dizzy, cranky, light headed. I am eating less for some reason and my belt is fitting looser.

I go with the motions of sleeping. I go to bed at the usual time and just lie in bed staring into the night. I try all my usual sleeping positions but nothing helps. I ran ot of Ambien also not that that was helping much. I was still taking it and it was not working.

I don't think I'm stressed out about anything. Nothing bothers me. I bought some over the counter sleeping pills and of course they're not working. The drinking isn't helping either. You would think I'd sleep well with my nightly glasses of wine. But that doesn't work either.

Added to this I'm eating less which is a godsend. My jeans are looser than usual and I've gone down a notch in my belt. I just want to sleep and get my body back in check.

Chiflaco out.

06 January 2015

PPO Problems

I've had Humana HMO for about seven years. Last year, my doctor was not listed in their network and I  was given another doctor as my PCP. For some reason, my doctor is on Humana PPO, so I changed over to it.

Okay, now I have my HIV doctor as my PCP. Problem is, I don't get prescription coverage. Just found that out last week when I tried to order refills. I talked to Humana and there's nothing I can do until open enrollment in November!

My clinic suggested I make an appointment with their case manager and she might be able to help me somehow. The clinic has a pharmacy that I have used in the past but for some reason they're not letting me do it this time around.

So I'm almost out of meds and don't know what I'm gonna do.

As if that wasn't bad enough, my glasses broke yesterday. And Jean-Luc gnawed through my phone charger cord. Not a great way to start a new year. This has really put a damper on my plans for the week.

When it rains...

Chiflaco out.